Monday, July 6, 2009

june o9

soo.. i haven't written on this in a while.. not saying that i've been too busy to write anything... but i just haven't had the urge to blog. but since i'm here.. i thought i should finally.

sooo.. lets see.. so far this summer i've applied to about 15 jobs (rejected from almost all because i'm not going to be able to work long-term -.-) i still have one hopeful so we'll see how that goes. so instead of getting an actual job, because it's too late to get one, i'm working for my grandparents. cleaning, painting, organizing, planting, reconstructing... etc. it's not bad, i get to spend time with my grandparents (which i love because i always learn something new from them and they're such a great bunch =] ) so they pay me some, which is nice =]

only problem, i just spent $200 to fix my computer! gah! i wish i was a geek ><... so now i hardly have any money to do anything. i hate being jobless and not a genius. life would be so much easier if i was.

SahP called me yesterday!! yay! i was so happy to hear her voice =] she made my day. it was good to talk to her because i was having a horrible day with my parents and i got "that feeling" again. but when she called.. i was able to get my mind off of things, then complain to her ..haha.., and vice versa. she made me feel better and afterwards i was able to talk to my parents. so thanx sahP =]

lets see.. what else... oh i got into HTM like a month ago =] so happy about that.
today i finally met jim hatcher, my parent's financial advisor, and now mine. he was so nice and very informative about what i want to do with my money. he's great. i also found out that Leigh Steinberg's office is in the same building. SO kool! (too bad he gets in so much trouble these days)

so i've been looking to see what cool places i can go to, like clubs, in the LA area, and i found one! and you dont have to be 21! WOOT! so i'm gonna see if i can get some tix to see cobra starship or someone there. they have a great lineup for this summer so hopefully i'll be able to go often =]

i've also been going to the beach about every week, working out at the gym everyday (if not i at least go running), seeing friends and family every week. so besides my financial problems, my summer is pretty good. but boy... i suuure do miss my friends back at umass =[. i can't believe i have to wait another 2 months before goin back to school! gah! iono if i can take it. hopefully it'll go by fast and i'll go water skiing or something with my friends....i also want to find someone who will teach me how to surf for free.. wish i knew jason mraz, bet he could teach me =]
OH and speaking of jason mraz... he's playing at the Hollywood Bowl on October 10th!! that SUX!!!!!! i'm gonna be in the east coast... why cant he play in cali when i'm here?!?!?!?!?!? gosh darn ><
oh, and i finally met the guy who know's jason. tyler.. soemthing. he's SOOOO funny and smart. just an overall fun guy. i met him at my friend's graduation/promotion/2nd year anniversary party. that was fun. got to drink with the grownups and mingle as if i were one of them =] FINALLY i dont feel so young. wish i could have gone out partying with them till 3 though. =[ (that's what happens when your parents are too old to party late hahaha)

So 4th of july was fun. I went to eat breakfast with my friends at Mimi's and we had fun eating our huge breakfasts and talking about random stuff like usual =] then i went to the gym and made dessert for the night. i made Fool. yes that's the real name. it's some British dessert. ::shrug:: it turned out .. ok. i think i should stick to baking and cooking though. then we headed over to my grandparents' for bbq (which was delicious) i didnt have too much of an appetite though. =[ but it was fun. then i left early to go to a party at my friend's appt at UCI. that was interesting. lots of guys ><. too many. there was like a 1 to 3 girl ratio there. my goodness. but it was fun. got a good buzz and played some games. i knew a few ppl there so it wasn't too awkward. we got busted 2 times though haha... too bad the girls got in trouble =[ (we were in their appt) but at the end of the night, my mom wouldnt let me stay the night, so she and my dad picked me up. lol so awkward... of course i told my friends my friend was picking me up XD but w/e my parents are chill about it, they just dont want me to get caught. CAN'T WAIT TO PARTY IT UP BACK AT UMASS!

k well i'm gonna go search for some music or something.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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