Friday, September 11, 2009

school is sooo IN this season

So the first week of sophomore year ! it's SSOOOO great being back in Amherst with everyone! it's like we all picked up from where we left off from last year! 3 months was waaay too long.
So me and Soph are roomies again and it's GREAT! =] the DC isnt closed like it was rumored, so that's good too. i dono how that got started up, but i'm glad it's not closed.
Weather has been weird this week, at first it was hot and mild, but then it got cold! i cant believe it. last year it was SO hot and humid.. now it's just cold and humid. what's up with that? i didnt expect to have to wear jeans till after September. Either way, it's just great being back!
OH! and another great thing, we made a new best friend! our neighbor across the hall, Sadie, is the most amazing girl we've met this year! She's soo energetic and nice! and she has a really cool boyfriend who's kinda like another Timtim!
Unfortunately, there are some assholes on our floor, but i'd rather not talk about that.
Classes are good. I dont know anyone in any of my classes like last year, but it's not a big deal at all. I've met a few ppl and they're real nice and the classes are at least interesting enough where i can stay awake. well for the most part. =]
Soph and i are almost all settled in, just need to do some last minute shopping and then we're set!

i know this is a really boring blog entry today, but i dont have a whole lot to share. sorry.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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