Wednesday, September 2, 2009

last weeks of summer <3

lets just say southern california is very HOT, too HOT!
90s-100s everyday! nights: 70s-80s! tooooo HOT! and humid!
i've read that Mass is much better. more "normal."

So the past couple weeks I've been saying my goodbyes and getting the last bit of things done here.
Some people have already left and started school but most of the UCs and CalStates are still here waiting for mid Sept. I'm SOO glad to be leaving tomorrow! but at the same time I'm soo not ready! too many things to pack and send.
I've mostly been hanging out with Julie and having a BLAST! i love hanging out with her. she just makes the world seem 10x more happy and enjoyable. I can't help but smile and laugh around her. =]

lets see..
Saturday my parents and i went over to my gparents and celebrated grandpa's birthday! that was fun =] i cant stop saying how much i love hanging out with them. and as a great surprise, my cousin and her mom came from Oakland for the weekend!! it was so nice seeing her before i left. unfortunately, the next day my grandma woke up dizzy and had to go to emergency =\. she's fine now, but that suure gave us all a scare.

Sunday i was lucky enough to hit the beach with Julie, her sister, and her sister's friend. i LOVE hanging out with Kimberly! she's like the older sister i never had. she's so fun and treats me like i'm apart of the family. =] her friend was real nice too! it's so cool going to the beach with her because she seems to know EVERYONE there (Huntington that is). I think she goes almost everyday. She says "hi" to all the regular vball players and some surfers.. many verrrrry attractive ;] and some of the girls there too who are real good! best place to meet people though! Not only are they attractive and athletic, but you never know who u're gonna meet! there are a lot of pros and olympic athletes that practice there and it's just amazing! the only downside of Huntington is that there are alot of creepers there as well. We definitely had our share that day. eeeehhhhkk

Yesterday Julie, Melissa, and I went to the beach (Aliso as usual) last beach day till next year =[ we laid out and went swimming but this time it was different. As usual we saw Frank and talked to him a bit, but the beach was so empty. We figured it's cuz school season is about us and less and less people are hittin up the beaches. Also, it was sooo FRIGIN HOT! usually the beach is a place where we can get AWAY from the heat, but this time it was very muggy. but the water was absolutely perfect except the lil bit of pollution we encountered. later, i went to Kimberly's vball game: Alumni vs. current team. it was a good game. too bad they lost. but i havent seen a vball game in sooo long so it was fun being able to go! afterwards julie and i decided to get breakfast for dinner at Denny's!!! YUMM!! that was a treat. (ruby's was closed =\) then we exchanged some music and watched Gigantic, but she fell asleep hahaha. i forgot how boring the movie could be to some. i feel bad

Today, went to take some Panera to my grandparents and had lunch with them. yumm =] my grandma is such a pig,but i cant help but laugh and love her for it! she's such a kid! then went to visit my grandpa nishio's grave. too bad i didnt know what time the sprinklers went off cuz i got caught in them >< i laughed at myself, but what else was i going to do? so i got a lil wet putting down a bouquet of flowers and a card... i partly think the card was stupid, but at the same time i really wanted to put one down... w/e my grandma will read it if some deer doesnt take it first. Afterward, i went to visit my aunt and uncle at work and said goodbye again. my aunt cried! it's funny but i feel bad for her. she's so sensitive. then came back to YL and went to play racket ball with julie! that was so much fun! i love racket ball, i wonder if there's courts at UMass. if not, i wanna play tennis. =D
now i'm gonna go to my grandmas and eat dinner with her and eat tonkatsu! yumm!!

omg i havent even started packing! i'm sooo behind!!

I'm gonna miss:
Julie, Mel, Jan
BEACH! (and what comes with the beach ;D)
my new bed
restaurants and great food (including In-N-Out & Jamba Juice)
24 hour fitness
racket ball
my car! (even though it DOES have a creepy grin)
my family
blasting the music and driving with the windows down
seeing/hearing all the niiice cars on the road
the sunsets

"You can sell salt to a slug, *if* you listen to the slug. "

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