Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the squirrels are getting fat once again

Doesn't it ever feel like you're just running away?
There's this feeling i keep getting and all i can imagine is all my assignments, teachers, friends, family, and obligations chasing me on a never-ending track through my brain. When i get tired of running away, i tackle what i can and then keep on running from what i decide to handle later on.

Listening to: Animals by Sara Lov <--- great song =]

So i sent my application/resume to Skibo Castle. Hopefully i get the job/internship!! i'm so excited!! even if i dont get it, i think i'll be happy to just know that i tried =]

So sophie and i were counting the number of shows we watch/need to watch right now. there is just too many so i'm gonna write them down now. Of course i'm not gonna watch them all this semester. I'll probably watch them during winter break and next summer. =]
Ugly Betty (2hr premier this friday!!!)
True Blood (horrible ending this last season =[ )
The Office (k well..i dont think i'll ever catch up w/ this show, but i like watching it!)
Heroes (maybe... i just would like to know what happened w/everyone)
DEXTER (last season and this season)
Grey's Anatomy (i said i would quit watching this, but i hear it's still really good)
Vampire Diaries (MAYYYYBE.. i still am not convinced i should start watching it)
Gossip Girl (so far not so good =/)
GLEE (my NEW FAVORITE SHOW!! ) on tonight!!
ANTM (America's Next Top Model) on tonight!! on now!
SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance ... getting back into it!) on tonight!! on now!
Legend of the Seeker (started watching it over the summer... now .. i'm kinda hooked)
Merlin ( Soph says i should watch it. =])
Desperate Housewives (of course)
some of Entourage
some of House
want to start watching Greek (i've been saying that for years)

i hope that's it! =\

k now gonna do what i got to do and do it well.
then eat (what i do best)
and then GLEE!!! woopieee!! =] SOOO excited!

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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