Friday, December 4, 2009

sick rant

It really amazes me that there are things that i would do out of common courtesy for any one of my friends with the flu. Yet it wouldn't even cross their minds to do the same for me. Sure i get words of sympathy and the words "get well soon!" But who needs to be reminded of the same things i already know like how to take care of myself or that they feel sorry and they wish they could do something about it. Do people even think when they say that?! or is it just habit? It'd be nice if people actually meant what they said. If they actually followed through on their promises, or on just what they said, it doesnt have to even be a "promise" no one keeps them anyways!
It hurts to text your mom and say that "I'm fine and I'm being taken care of the best friends in the world here! Don't worry about me!" (well i didnt actually say it in so many words it was more like : I have the best friends ever!) then to find out later that i had no premise on saying that at all. Why did i say that? just cuz i felt better for a second that people were feeling sorry for me? psh that's stupid. So i took those words back. It's surprising that no matter where I go in the country, I still cant seem to find true friends. Oh dont get me wrong, i love my friends, but i feel like that after college, they'll become more of acquaintances more than anything.
sorry i dont have anything good to say.. just not in the mood. maybe some mac and cheese and gilmore girls will help... though i really want fries.. but oh wait.. the dc closed an hour ago and i wasnt invited or even asked if i wanted food earlier! -.-

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