Monday, February 15, 2010

Post-Valentines Day

I realized yesterday that Valentine's Day is really a ridiculous holiday. I mean one day out of the year for love? Must we celebrate love for only one day? It really only makes the single feel unloved and sad and the people who have someone feel obligated to do something for their significant other. It's more like a chore to show's one's affection. How did the idea of Valentine's Day come up anyways?! Being single myself, I felt a bit sad for a moment thinking that no one loves me. But then I realized what a fool I was for thinking that. Sure I didn't get the excitement of receiving a surprise gift or flower from a guy, but I have something better. The love of my family and friends. I called my parents yesterday to wish them a happy Valentine's Day because I would always celebrate the holiday with them. We'd go out to a nice dinner, we'd make dinner together (i'd make a delicious heart-shaped chocolate souffle) or we'd just hang out and go to the beach and just enjoy being alive together. Valentine's Day was just an excuse to do something different and exchange gifts.
Now that I'm in college I don't get to celebrate with my parents like we use to. It's different with my friends because either their bitter about not having a guy or they are doing something with their man. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat envious of those who have someone to celebrate Valentine's Day with, but whenever I get envious I remind myself I have all the love I need. As nice it would be to cuddle up with someone on V-day, I want to do that on other days. It'd be nice to have someone to run to when the girl hormones just get too much when I'm with my friends. It'd be nice to have someone to hold me. And it'd be nice to just have someone to walk with hand in hand.
But this isn't really something I "need" just something I "want". I'm grateful for what I have now and what I can celebrate everyday. The ups and the downs of love for friends and family.


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