Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunny Days

Today is such a beautiful sunny day! I wish i could be outside enjoying it! Instead, i have to write these papers. But i do have the windows open with the sun flooding the room. There's something about the sun that i only realized when i came to the east coast... it does something to you. it makes you feel better and happier. Maybe i got too much of it at home and that's why i didnt appreciate it as much, but not i realize the affect it has, not only on me, but on everyone around me.

You Are My Sunshine.

Do u ever pass by someone while walking to class or anywhere and they are smiling? not just any smile, but one of those smiles where it seems like they just kissed someone they love, or where the smile is a remanence of something very funny, or maybe it's a smile of just being totally and utterly happy... Well those are the smiles i live for. Whenever i see someone smile so incandescently happy, i can't help but to smile and wonder what they're smiling about. =]

A Smile Is Contagious. Pass It On.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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