Sunday, December 28, 2008


soo.. this year is like the best year of my LIFE!!!

~done w/ high school.. finally!
~had an AMAZING summer
~went to a GREAT school!!! made many great friends that will last a lifetime! (my new family =] )
~got to see my family! my WHOLE family over thanxgiving and christmas break! =]
~got to party it up in college =] met a great guy (but i dont think we're anything =[ )
~got to REALLY experience fall for the first time
~got to experience REAL snowfall and got to play in the snow for the very first time
~ALL my christmas wishes were answered =] ( I CAN'T BELIEVE I GET TO MEET JASON MRAZ!!!!! I'M SOO EXCITED!!! )
~and for the first time ever... it actually feels like winter/christmas =] and i havent been this happy for so long since... i dont even know

there are so many more little things which made this year the best ever... but for now.. these are the main things

finally everything is working out!!! =] thank goodness i waited patiently

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