Wednesday, April 8, 2009

love jason mraz's latest post.. so funny. =P

so i'm stressin about alot of things lately. =[
-housing (with soph in lewis or brett or if i cant get in there.. iono somewhere in central)
-perfecting res econ hmwk
-getting all the classes i want for next semester planned and written down
-finish HTM application
-art portfilio(???)
-paid summer internship
-HTM Exam #2
-my body is fucked up!! more like my face.. and i hate cramps >< .. which then leads to i love motrin!
-research paper
-start reading tale of heike
-finish reading the historian (finally)
-workout more!!!
-worry about all my classes even if i dont have to
-plan trip home
-clean laptop... meaning like take all the good shit.. put it on my new hardrive.. and clean out all the bad shit

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