Sunday, April 12, 2009


So i'm here in the library on the 9th floor (as recommended by Sophie, my amazing roommate) with Rachel, Annika, and Tim and we're all doing the same thing. WRITING A FUCKN RESEARCH PAPER! woot woot! we all have to start and finish a 5-7 paged research paper for college writing. it shouldnt be too bad once we have all our research.. but it's just so time consuming and one can EASILY loose interest! although, luckly i like reading the stuff i have to read for mine. if i had free time i would read this shit anyways =D i'm such a movie buff.. cuz there's always a movie i havent seen, a detail i didnt know about a movie, a technique i've never seen, practically there's always something new! it's such an interesting industry.
Why did i wait till the last minute? well i always do. and i always seem to be fine. to be honest i had no motivation to start it until tonite anyways. i never do until i'm under pressure and losing time.
What did i do all weekend? NOTHING and yet many things. Watched many movies. Caught up on some shows. Ate with whoever was left. Went to the gym and worked out for a few hours. RELAXED after a stressful week.. and before a nother stressful week. (I can't wait til Montreal!!! soooo pumped!!) movies i watched: Identity, Jurassic park 1,2, and 3, Cloverfield, and i wanna say i watched a couple more w/ sophie but i can't remember.. oh parts of marry poppins!! and started The Tudors and Rome.. finished catching up with The US of Tara. have yet to catch up on Heroes.. but i think i'm over it... i dont feel like watching it anymore. XP... In The Motherhood is funny. wanna watch parks & recreation.

ok i'm done.. well i should be at least.. i need to go back to my paper. it's almost 2 so yea.. haha =D woot woot all nighter!

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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