Monday, October 26, 2009

So weird.. i feel a sense of normality in my life right now. Which i discovered, isn't that great. Normal for me, like back at home, like during middle school - high school, means i can't fully be myself. For the first time since i came to college i feel like i have to be on my toes all the time. It sucks. Always being judged, always worried about what people think, paranoid people will hate me, on top of worrying about classes. The only thing i really had to really worry about last year were my classes, which was good. But now i feel like i can't do things without some people's acceptance or they'll take it the wrong way. Or i cant say things or they might take it the wrong way. I hate the Sophomore Curse! Sophomore year in high school was horrible and never really got better till i came to college. I have a feeling Sophomore year here will be just the same. But what can i do? It's so weird.

on a lighter note here's a little bit from
hope you enjoy! =D go to the website for more fun things! it suure brightens up my day!! =]


P.s. Ugly Betty is sooo good!!! but i'm SOOOO mad at her in the first couple episodes!! but i love it!! =]

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the squirrels are getting fat once again

Doesn't it ever feel like you're just running away?
There's this feeling i keep getting and all i can imagine is all my assignments, teachers, friends, family, and obligations chasing me on a never-ending track through my brain. When i get tired of running away, i tackle what i can and then keep on running from what i decide to handle later on.

Listening to: Animals by Sara Lov <--- great song =]

So i sent my application/resume to Skibo Castle. Hopefully i get the job/internship!! i'm so excited!! even if i dont get it, i think i'll be happy to just know that i tried =]

So sophie and i were counting the number of shows we watch/need to watch right now. there is just too many so i'm gonna write them down now. Of course i'm not gonna watch them all this semester. I'll probably watch them during winter break and next summer. =]
Ugly Betty (2hr premier this friday!!!)
True Blood (horrible ending this last season =[ )
The Office (k well..i dont think i'll ever catch up w/ this show, but i like watching it!)
Heroes (maybe... i just would like to know what happened w/everyone)
DEXTER (last season and this season)
Grey's Anatomy (i said i would quit watching this, but i hear it's still really good)
Vampire Diaries (MAYYYYBE.. i still am not convinced i should start watching it)
Gossip Girl (so far not so good =/)
GLEE (my NEW FAVORITE SHOW!! ) on tonight!!
ANTM (America's Next Top Model) on tonight!! on now!
SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance ... getting back into it!) on tonight!! on now!
Legend of the Seeker (started watching it over the summer... now .. i'm kinda hooked)
Merlin ( Soph says i should watch it. =])
Desperate Housewives (of course)
some of Entourage
some of House
want to start watching Greek (i've been saying that for years)

i hope that's it! =\

k now gonna do what i got to do and do it well.
then eat (what i do best)
and then GLEE!!! woopieee!! =] SOOO excited!

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Monday, October 5, 2009


it's fall and it's beautiful outside!
everyday i appreciate being here at UMass. there's only one thing that would make me really want to be back in california now.... free Jason Mraz concert!
i can't believe that when i'm back east, jason mraz, ingrid michaelson and other ppl are all having free concerts!!!!!! there are SOOOO many performances/movies i want to see back home! everything is SOOO close and i really wish i could be there for all the excitement!
Although... i AM saving alot of money by being here. haha

mmm i'm eating a pear right now.. and it's soo delicious!! oishii desune!!! i love fruit!
too bad there isnt that much fruit at the dc. hmm if i could wish for fruit to pop up everyday.. i would want:
strawberries, pears, blueberries, peaches, mandarin oranges, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, apples, pineapples, mangos, guava, and i'm suure there are more, but those are the main ones.

i think next time i go to the grocery store i'm gonna get fixins for a pie =] i really have a craving for making pie. not necessarily eating one, but making one.. haha.. ooohh or a chocolate souffle, or a chocolate mousse, or anything! so much fun! too bad it's so expensive to get ingredients and the right supplies =[

ohhh and i received an amazing e-mail today .. or a couple days ago.. from Landmark Theaters which had a free digital music download attached!!!! so now i'm listening to this new ablum! it's AMAZING! sophie and just fell in love w/ it!
speaking of Landmark Theaters, New York I Love You is coming out in select theaters october 16th! so excited!!! me and soph are gonna try to find a way to see it that day. hehe ohh and dont forget! Where the Wild Things Are is coming out that day as well!!

On a different note, i have a suggestion for whoever reads this blog, read/subscribe to my aunt's blog Follow My Bliss! If you need inspiration or just wantto read something happy and uplifting, her website is guaranteed to do so. but it is a personal blog so its also has some personal things in there as well.

~*Live. Laugh. Love.*~