Tuesday, January 20, 2009


the first inauguration i've ever watched on live tv! =D

so today i was running my errands and getting all these things done before i had to leave tonight, and i turn on my iPod on shuffle in the car and realized how many songs i forgot i had. it's so funny how the most random song comes on at the right moment. So Sick came on, Not Your Enemy by Jesse McCartney, I Will Remember You, The Trouble With Love Is, and 9 In The Afternoon. lots of love songs, although... more than half the songs out there are love songs. isnt there anything else to sing about? oh speaking of which, it was so funny how this one jason mraz song, Little You and I, is about his love for his cat. lol and in the live version i have he says how it'd b funny if it was some couple's song and they're like "our song is about a cat!" lol when i first heard that commentary i cracked up so much. maan i love the commentary on his live songs. that's why i cant wait to see one of his small live shows with bushwalla. that is my number one wish now, to see jason mraz and bushwalla live! above anything else. i mean if bushwalla alone can make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard in one show, imagine what i'd be like if jason was there?! and oh man if jason was the one who went up to me and sat on my lap the other night.. i would have been speechless and bright red! oh man.. ahhhh!!! ::squeals:: hahha
anyways.. i'm so excited to go VT!! my mom's cousin said she can take me snowboarding!!!! fuck yea! =D sha-a-weeet!! oh and my dad is gonna freak when he gets home! i cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees my eyes. hehe... they're blue ^^ hehe i like em. except it's kinda fuzzy on the edges but w/e i'll get use to it..... lol i love how no one reads my blog cuz then no one will know i have blue eyes when i go back =] surprise! .. i guess it's kinda weird then if i'm just talking to myself in the blog. -.^ oh well. this is like my journal. it's for me, myself, and i. all three of us.. haha.
k well gonna go pack now.. lots of shit to take home.. presents for everyone, new clothes, old clothes, shoes.. fuckn shoes -.- takes up too much space. oh and smart thing, while i'm on the topic of shoes... i LEFT my winter shoes (uggs) back at the dorm in Mass.... smart one stef.. smart one -.- fuck.. i dont wanna pack.. i wanna go to the beach!! today is the perfect day to be at the beach!!! it's sunny, clear, breezy, and mid to high 70s !! i LoVE this weather!! and i have to leave tonite -.- right when i start loving the warmth.


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