Thursday, January 8, 2009

Days of relaxing at home... on hold till summer

It's been nice that for the past week I've been able to relax and not worry about anything. Just workout, play with the puppy (i know he's not a puppy anymore... but to me he is =] ), watching movies, cooking, walking, and just driving around. No plans, no worries, nothing to do but enjoy myself. I even bought myself some paint the other day with some christmas money =] .. I sure missed being able to sit outside with my dog and just paint.
Anyways, I have plans again... but this time, plans with friends =]
tomorrow: Lizzy's bday party/dinner then sleepover at her beach house =] yay! Still haven't been to the beach since I got back!!! GASP!
saturday: leave around 10-11 to go to UCI and hang out w/ Jan and Julie!! YAY! I'm so excited to be hanging out w/ them =].. Maybe see some other peeps too. Then stay through Sunday.
Next weekend: going down to SD and most likely see Bushwalla again w/ mom and this time Shannon! (my non-related sister who's like old enough to be my actual sister or my age if I was born when my parents got married)... speaking of which that'd be really spooky if i WAS born the year they were married, cuz then people would think me and my mom looked even more like sisters, i'd be too old to know any of my friends, i'd have a job (most likely), living at an apartment or something.. or maybe even married (psh! doubt it), i'd be the oldest of my 1st cousins, oh..and one thing i realized on my way home from the bushwalla concert the other weekend.. i'd be old enough to be able to date jason mraz.. we would be only 3 years apart...Well I'm not that old .. and I'm glad because there are 10x more advantages of being who I am now =].. (but sometimes i wonder what it'd be like) ...Where was I?.. oh yes. So hopefully Jason Mraz will make a guest appearance this time =] but I won't expect it, so either way, it'll be another great concert! Looking forward to it!
Then that Tuesday after, leaving sunny CA for beautiful Vermont! I can't wait! I sooooo look forward to going back to the east coast... for SO many reasons!


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could.....
.....Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference


just a lil something to think about whenever there's a fork in the road... it's worked for me so far.

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