Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm just sittin here....

Listening to : Turn Me On by Norah Jones

Listening to music really does make life feel 10x better. =] Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Carla Bruni, Regina Spektor, Dawn Mitchelle, Norah Jones, Pricilla Ahn.. and so on they're so soothing to listen to. I wish I were as talented as them.

So this WEEK was crazy. went looking for a job at about 10 places. I have an interview tmrrw at 8 in the morning w/ my mom's cousin's son who happens to have been a Calvin Klein model. hahah so funny. and now he's a financial planner. hahahhahah gotta love him though he's so nice and helpful =] So after doing all that .. whew.. i went shopping for the house/food since my mom was sick all week =[ so i've been taking care of her too =] she's delusional when she's sick. i swear the things that come out of her mouth are hilarious and ridiculous. XD but i love her so much ^^ i'm so glad to be home. Went to the fish market w/ my grandma the other day.. that was kind of a chore, but i didnt mind. when i'm around her i have to remind myself of so many things. to hold my temper, to be patient, speak up and slower, and always be cheerful (because if she sees me a bit unhappy or stressed she keeps asking what's wrong and gets mad at me ><) seriously she scares me sometimes if i want to do something for her or if i want to pay for her, she'll get physical. hahaha this weekend i visited julie at uci and hung out w/ everyone there =] then went to see UP!!!!! it was sooooo cuuuuuute and sad (i freakin cried!) love the dogs and the bird!!! aww what a great movie ^^ then that movie really made me want ice cream from baskin robbins soo..... me joe and julie drove to baskin robbins.. then afterwards.. we were a bit bored and didnt feel like going back.. so we drove to huntington beach and walked on the peir and talked for what seeemed like an hour. it was soo nice! i missed the beach. that was so much fun =] then i drove julie back home. this morning we went to breakfast. julie, jan, melissa and i. =D they got their waffles w/ strawberries and i got this really good scramble thing. =] yummmmmmmm that was fun =] afterwards.. mel and her sister took me and jan to this ed hardy factory sale in irvine. boy was that crazy!!! maan what a crazy place. clothes scattered in piles on the floor and on tables. it was ... CRAZY. got a hat and a shirt for me and my mom. after they dropped me off at home, i took a niice loong nap ^^. when my parents came home from their weekend in SD, mom and i went to run errands. i was kinda snappy and so was she.. it was kinda bad. it's gonna b that time of the month >< but u kno.. i realized..
just because i don't want to do something doesn't always mean i won't do it.
my mom, my aunts, my grandmas always do this to me.. they ask " do you want to.........?" meaning "i want you to...." or " i think you should do....." why dont they just ask me straight forward?! i hate it when people ask me if i "want" to do something when they're really asking me to "do" something! my response usually is " no i dont WANT to do it, but i WILL" because it's what i should do. they try to make it seem like it's MY idea to do something. i dont mind if you just ASK! "will you please do this?" ohh.. and that's the other thing... it's ALWAYS nice when ppl are polite in asking someone to do something. whether you're someone's boss, an employee, a mother, a customer, etc..... say "please" and "thank you." those 3 little words can REALLY mean alot. and sometimes they can make one's day... like mine.

Listening to: Unbroken by Missy Higgins (how i feel right now..ironically =D)

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

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