Saturday, May 2, 2009

i bumped my head and it hurts... alot

literally.. i did.. figuratively.. i did too
so last night as i was rushing into sophie's bed to watch a movie i went in "spider" way.. where ur butt goes in first.. i thought i was all good but then BOOM! it hit me.. the bar.. and it hit hard. well i hit it but w/e. technicalities. so i fell to the ground began laughing then crying then laughing then crying but mostly laughing. it was quite funny to me.. but everyone thought i had a slight concussion.. who knows.. all i know is that i was tired, had a really bad headache, and was hysterical. but no one would let me lay down.. they said "NOO!! dont lay down you'll fall asleep and then get nautious and throw up and choke urself to death!!" -.- srsly?! i wasnt that bad. still hurts one nite, one day, 4 tylenols later.
OHHH btw.. my dad came and visited me at the tail end of his business trip!! =D i was SOOOO happy! after minneapolis and a couple places in in mass. he came to visit me and my friends. he took me shopping for mother's day a present and took me to dinner =] then this mornin i took him to breakfast =] glad he liked everyone and everyone liked him =] too bad tim and him couldnt talk about the air force.. lol that would have been amusing to witness. i miss him already =[.. almost cried when i saw him i missed him so much. but in a few weeks i'll see him =]
so right now i feel kinda... KINDA.... errr well that's what i want to think.. i feel pretty bad about something today. i put on this front that i didnt care and enjoyed the fact that something bad happend to someone. but really... i dont mean it at all.. sure i'm mad.. but i feel real bad and hope he's ok. i really do. it makes me sad that this happend and that i cant express anyway but on this blog how i really feel. i wish i could say i actually hate this person. but i cant when i think about it. problem is i cant stop thinking about it. i wish someone could erase my memory clean of this person. and that's the truth.


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