Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Day =[

today is my last whole day in freshman year here at UMass =[. so sad. one more exam in about an hour. it's resecon! omfg it's gonna suck! why is it that all the econ classes suck?! oh wait.. it's cuz all the econ teachers suck! wish i could have mr platt for all my econ classes XD. so.. i'm cramming for my exam. at this point i dont care anymore. i just want to pack up the room.. it's so much fun =]
i realized this morning that i analyze things too much. iono if it's good or bad. i guess to some degree it's good. i seem to look at everything i do and the first thing i think of .. "how long it's gonna take? who is it going to affect? what's more efficient?" but i've learned to let loose. man if i didnt realize how ocd i am about organizing and analyzing everything.. i would drive people crazy.. probably myself too. haha so keeping these types of thngs to myself is good.
oh and i had another one of those moments last night. where "i hate guys!" things. that's one thing i could never analyze or predict. guys. even when i think i have a guy figured out.. i always end up being surprised. and not usually in a good way. one thing hold constant though. about 90% of guys are assholes and always will be. it's the 5% is what keeps us girls hoping and hurting because it takes us so many of the wrong guys to find the right ones. they're so rare to come by. there's only a few guys in my life who are part of that 5% (including my dad and grandpa ^.^). one of them is probably the best boyfriend i've ever met... tim tim =] he's the bestest boyfriend to my friend rachel and he's been so great to us girls all year. he takes care of not just rachel,but all of us. he cares about our wellbeing, he listens to us, he makes sure we are all happy, and he's just the best guy friend ever! he takes so much shit from rachel it's ridiculous, yet they're so much in love ^^. he's a rare breed to come by.
k gonna go study some more now XD. l8r!

~*Live. Laugh. Love.*~

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