Wednesday, May 20, 2009

we all ARE just human

i wont say sorry for the things that i have done, said, or acted upon. i believe things happen for a reason whether it's good or bad. nonetheless, things happen. shit happens. it sucks. life sucks sometimes, and live is wonderful when u want it to be.
but i will admit that many times i've acted immature and idiotic towards myself and others because i think that at the time it's what i want to say or do. when i think about it later i still believe it's right. but then much later i realize that it was me being selfish and i was only hurting others. although i wanted to at the time, it's not what i really want deep down. i hate myself for hurting others, especially if it means losing a friend. i've never really hated anyone except myself.
because i am who i am, i care too much about others to hate anyone. though i might say i hate someone when i'm mad, it's not true.
as the last day of freshman year in college, i would like to say that i am finally content. freshman year has opened my eyes to many things old and new. i have made some self-discoveries and i have made many friends. i said this in the beginning of the school year: i am finally happy. though i'm not happy everyday with stupid mood swings, but i am overall happy. i've NEVER been so happy in my life till college. this may be the best time of my life and i'm gonna make the most of it! =] i'm not gonna let anything get to me to think otherwise. i'm not gonna let any guy into my heart so he can ruin this experience anymore. i have the best of friends and that's all i could ask for. =]
btw.. congrats to all those graduating!! class of '09
oh funny thing just now. so me and sophie are packing everything up and our room is pretty much a mess. while she was cleaning her desk she found andrew's bubbles! hahahhaha after we were convinced we gave it back. oops. she has no idea how they got there so we named them the "magic bubbles." too bad we had to throw them away. .. which reminds me i bought bubbles one party night .. i think i left them in tim tim's room >.> darn.
awwwwww i miss tim tim. =[ i miss rachel! annika! sam! tj! and all those who already left. =[ so sad. i can't believe i'm gonna b 3 months w/o them!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! they're the best friends ever.. and me and sophie are parting tmrrw!!!! NOOOOO!!!! :'( there are going to be some tears shed tmrrw! my eyes are gonna b soo swollen >< god fuckn damn! (my new favorite thing to say lol)
okeedokee.. i feel like stopping now, so i'm gonna go organize my backpack =]

~*Live. Laugh. Love. *~ (seriously!)

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