Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Dad isn't coming to Massachusetts! 3rd cancellation! =[
Reason: the reason is a good reason. My grandpa (my dad's dad) just got transferred to the hospital because he fell.. again =[. The doctors said he had a heart attack and was low on something. So he's going to stay in the hospital for a while. My dad asked his boss to leave early that day to go see Grandpa and his boss said that he shouldn't go to the trip to Massachusetts because he needs to be at home with his family. Good boss. =] Even though I would have LOVED to introduce my dad to all my friends, I'm glad his boss made him stay home because otherwise my dad would have gone on the business trip instead of staying with his family.

On a lighter note. Me and Sophie are reading FML and thinking of embarrassing stories we could put on the website instead of going to sleep. hahaha. Love this.


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