Monday, March 2, 2009


I keep feeling pissed off lately! I don't understand. It could be just temporary, but I hate these mood swings! And, no, I'm not PMSing. This has been going on for the past few weeks. Like sometimes I'm really happy and I'm cool about everything, and then someone says something or does something that just throws me over the edge. I'm not usually like that. It's probably the pill, but I sure hope it goes away soon. I feel bad because I'm afraid it's rubbing off the wrong way on people. =[
My head is all over the place. I wish there was just someone, just one person, a friend that I could look to to make me feel happy all the time, anytime. Someone who just knows what to say at the right time and who could assure me that I'm not going crazy. Someone who will actually listen and care. I'm always that person for others and I don't mind much, but it would be nice to have one friend to just be that person for me. I wish I could just empty out my head, leave it somewhere, and not have to worry about it ever again.
Man, I really have to stop complaining. I hate it. Although, that's what this blog is for and it's not like anyone is going to read it or care so I guess it doesn't matter. ::shrug::
Ok. Now I'm going to put on my "happy-go-lucky" attitude and try to hide my feelings from everyone again. =D ( =\ )


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