Saturday, March 7, 2009


Rest in peace Grandpa Roy.
You're in a much better place now wherever that may be. I'm glad you don't have to suffer your sicknesses anymore. No more nightmares. No more falling. No more bruising. No more heavy breathes. No more grandma's nagging. No more incompetent people "taking care" of you. I Love You Grandpa. =]
I wish I could have been there to say goodbye. But I'm glad our last parting was a good one. =] I Love You Grandpa.
You're the first closest person to have passed away. I'm very fortunate that you have had such a long fulfilling life. Thank you so much for taking me home and to gymnastics before I was old enough to drive. Thanks for always being there. =] You have always been so supportive in every way even though you never said much. I Love You Grandpa.
You have always shared so much with us. Sometimes your insight. Your amazing stories about the war and your life before I knew you. You would share your love with everyone and never judge. You would always be the one who would never get mad and was always so cheerful. I Love You Grandpa.
You put a smile on everyone's face and you're just overall the best grandpa. =] I Love You and you will always be remembered! You will always be in my heart and everyone who you touched with your warm smile. I will miss you very much.

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