Friday, December 4, 2009

sick rant

It really amazes me that there are things that i would do out of common courtesy for any one of my friends with the flu. Yet it wouldn't even cross their minds to do the same for me. Sure i get words of sympathy and the words "get well soon!" But who needs to be reminded of the same things i already know like how to take care of myself or that they feel sorry and they wish they could do something about it. Do people even think when they say that?! or is it just habit? It'd be nice if people actually meant what they said. If they actually followed through on their promises, or on just what they said, it doesnt have to even be a "promise" no one keeps them anyways!
It hurts to text your mom and say that "I'm fine and I'm being taken care of the best friends in the world here! Don't worry about me!" (well i didnt actually say it in so many words it was more like : I have the best friends ever!) then to find out later that i had no premise on saying that at all. Why did i say that? just cuz i felt better for a second that people were feeling sorry for me? psh that's stupid. So i took those words back. It's surprising that no matter where I go in the country, I still cant seem to find true friends. Oh dont get me wrong, i love my friends, but i feel like that after college, they'll become more of acquaintances more than anything.
sorry i dont have anything good to say.. just not in the mood. maybe some mac and cheese and gilmore girls will help... though i really want fries.. but oh wait.. the dc closed an hour ago and i wasnt invited or even asked if i wanted food earlier! -.-

Monday, October 26, 2009

So weird.. i feel a sense of normality in my life right now. Which i discovered, isn't that great. Normal for me, like back at home, like during middle school - high school, means i can't fully be myself. For the first time since i came to college i feel like i have to be on my toes all the time. It sucks. Always being judged, always worried about what people think, paranoid people will hate me, on top of worrying about classes. The only thing i really had to really worry about last year were my classes, which was good. But now i feel like i can't do things without some people's acceptance or they'll take it the wrong way. Or i cant say things or they might take it the wrong way. I hate the Sophomore Curse! Sophomore year in high school was horrible and never really got better till i came to college. I have a feeling Sophomore year here will be just the same. But what can i do? It's so weird.

on a lighter note here's a little bit from
hope you enjoy! =D go to the website for more fun things! it suure brightens up my day!! =]


P.s. Ugly Betty is sooo good!!! but i'm SOOOO mad at her in the first couple episodes!! but i love it!! =]

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the squirrels are getting fat once again

Doesn't it ever feel like you're just running away?
There's this feeling i keep getting and all i can imagine is all my assignments, teachers, friends, family, and obligations chasing me on a never-ending track through my brain. When i get tired of running away, i tackle what i can and then keep on running from what i decide to handle later on.

Listening to: Animals by Sara Lov <--- great song =]

So i sent my application/resume to Skibo Castle. Hopefully i get the job/internship!! i'm so excited!! even if i dont get it, i think i'll be happy to just know that i tried =]

So sophie and i were counting the number of shows we watch/need to watch right now. there is just too many so i'm gonna write them down now. Of course i'm not gonna watch them all this semester. I'll probably watch them during winter break and next summer. =]
Ugly Betty (2hr premier this friday!!!)
True Blood (horrible ending this last season =[ )
The Office (k well..i dont think i'll ever catch up w/ this show, but i like watching it!)
Heroes (maybe... i just would like to know what happened w/everyone)
DEXTER (last season and this season)
Grey's Anatomy (i said i would quit watching this, but i hear it's still really good)
Vampire Diaries (MAYYYYBE.. i still am not convinced i should start watching it)
Gossip Girl (so far not so good =/)
GLEE (my NEW FAVORITE SHOW!! ) on tonight!!
ANTM (America's Next Top Model) on tonight!! on now!
SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance ... getting back into it!) on tonight!! on now!
Legend of the Seeker (started watching it over the summer... now .. i'm kinda hooked)
Merlin ( Soph says i should watch it. =])
Desperate Housewives (of course)
some of Entourage
some of House
want to start watching Greek (i've been saying that for years)

i hope that's it! =\

k now gonna do what i got to do and do it well.
then eat (what i do best)
and then GLEE!!! woopieee!! =] SOOO excited!

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Monday, October 5, 2009


it's fall and it's beautiful outside!
everyday i appreciate being here at UMass. there's only one thing that would make me really want to be back in california now.... free Jason Mraz concert!
i can't believe that when i'm back east, jason mraz, ingrid michaelson and other ppl are all having free concerts!!!!!! there are SOOOO many performances/movies i want to see back home! everything is SOOO close and i really wish i could be there for all the excitement!
Although... i AM saving alot of money by being here. haha

mmm i'm eating a pear right now.. and it's soo delicious!! oishii desune!!! i love fruit!
too bad there isnt that much fruit at the dc. hmm if i could wish for fruit to pop up everyday.. i would want:
strawberries, pears, blueberries, peaches, mandarin oranges, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, apples, pineapples, mangos, guava, and i'm suure there are more, but those are the main ones.

i think next time i go to the grocery store i'm gonna get fixins for a pie =] i really have a craving for making pie. not necessarily eating one, but making one.. haha.. ooohh or a chocolate souffle, or a chocolate mousse, or anything! so much fun! too bad it's so expensive to get ingredients and the right supplies =[

ohhh and i received an amazing e-mail today .. or a couple days ago.. from Landmark Theaters which had a free digital music download attached!!!! so now i'm listening to this new ablum! it's AMAZING! sophie and just fell in love w/ it!
speaking of Landmark Theaters, New York I Love You is coming out in select theaters october 16th! so excited!!! me and soph are gonna try to find a way to see it that day. hehe ohh and dont forget! Where the Wild Things Are is coming out that day as well!!

On a different note, i have a suggestion for whoever reads this blog, read/subscribe to my aunt's blog Follow My Bliss! If you need inspiration or just wantto read something happy and uplifting, her website is guaranteed to do so. but it is a personal blog so its also has some personal things in there as well.

~*Live. Laugh. Love.*~

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So yesterday was pretty epic!
After a boring day of class, i went over to tim's room at around 3 and i was like "i want to try a shot of (this)" then he was like why don't we all play up the river down the river.... at least i think that's what it was called. so me stefan and tim played a game.. with mixed shots. hehe but i'd have to say... sprite, cranberry juice, and tangerine absolute.. is delicious! then rach and sam joined us for a bit.. then dinner.. that was a disaster o.o i think i may have said too much. then took a lil nap while everyone else played a few games. then.. it came.. the hangover! ugh! felt horrible.. but then.. i went and spent time with sophie.. did all my homework and studying. got ready for bed. and watched gilmore girls before bed.... what a crazy... epic day! hehe.. but hangover in the middle of the day like that.. uhh.. no thank you... that was a once in a lifetime thing.. that's why i'm bloggin about it.. cuz i might forget. it was pretty kool. only cuz i had a BLAST w/ my buddiesss!! =]

Friday, September 11, 2009

school is sooo IN this season

So the first week of sophomore year ! it's SSOOOO great being back in Amherst with everyone! it's like we all picked up from where we left off from last year! 3 months was waaay too long.
So me and Soph are roomies again and it's GREAT! =] the DC isnt closed like it was rumored, so that's good too. i dono how that got started up, but i'm glad it's not closed.
Weather has been weird this week, at first it was hot and mild, but then it got cold! i cant believe it. last year it was SO hot and humid.. now it's just cold and humid. what's up with that? i didnt expect to have to wear jeans till after September. Either way, it's just great being back!
OH! and another great thing, we made a new best friend! our neighbor across the hall, Sadie, is the most amazing girl we've met this year! She's soo energetic and nice! and she has a really cool boyfriend who's kinda like another Timtim!
Unfortunately, there are some assholes on our floor, but i'd rather not talk about that.
Classes are good. I dont know anyone in any of my classes like last year, but it's not a big deal at all. I've met a few ppl and they're real nice and the classes are at least interesting enough where i can stay awake. well for the most part. =]
Soph and i are almost all settled in, just need to do some last minute shopping and then we're set!

i know this is a really boring blog entry today, but i dont have a whole lot to share. sorry.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

last weeks of summer <3

lets just say southern california is very HOT, too HOT!
90s-100s everyday! nights: 70s-80s! tooooo HOT! and humid!
i've read that Mass is much better. more "normal."

So the past couple weeks I've been saying my goodbyes and getting the last bit of things done here.
Some people have already left and started school but most of the UCs and CalStates are still here waiting for mid Sept. I'm SOO glad to be leaving tomorrow! but at the same time I'm soo not ready! too many things to pack and send.
I've mostly been hanging out with Julie and having a BLAST! i love hanging out with her. she just makes the world seem 10x more happy and enjoyable. I can't help but smile and laugh around her. =]

lets see..
Saturday my parents and i went over to my gparents and celebrated grandpa's birthday! that was fun =] i cant stop saying how much i love hanging out with them. and as a great surprise, my cousin and her mom came from Oakland for the weekend!! it was so nice seeing her before i left. unfortunately, the next day my grandma woke up dizzy and had to go to emergency =\. she's fine now, but that suure gave us all a scare.

Sunday i was lucky enough to hit the beach with Julie, her sister, and her sister's friend. i LOVE hanging out with Kimberly! she's like the older sister i never had. she's so fun and treats me like i'm apart of the family. =] her friend was real nice too! it's so cool going to the beach with her because she seems to know EVERYONE there (Huntington that is). I think she goes almost everyday. She says "hi" to all the regular vball players and some surfers.. many verrrrry attractive ;] and some of the girls there too who are real good! best place to meet people though! Not only are they attractive and athletic, but you never know who u're gonna meet! there are a lot of pros and olympic athletes that practice there and it's just amazing! the only downside of Huntington is that there are alot of creepers there as well. We definitely had our share that day. eeeehhhhkk

Yesterday Julie, Melissa, and I went to the beach (Aliso as usual) last beach day till next year =[ we laid out and went swimming but this time it was different. As usual we saw Frank and talked to him a bit, but the beach was so empty. We figured it's cuz school season is about us and less and less people are hittin up the beaches. Also, it was sooo FRIGIN HOT! usually the beach is a place where we can get AWAY from the heat, but this time it was very muggy. but the water was absolutely perfect except the lil bit of pollution we encountered. later, i went to Kimberly's vball game: Alumni vs. current team. it was a good game. too bad they lost. but i havent seen a vball game in sooo long so it was fun being able to go! afterwards julie and i decided to get breakfast for dinner at Denny's!!! YUMM!! that was a treat. (ruby's was closed =\) then we exchanged some music and watched Gigantic, but she fell asleep hahaha. i forgot how boring the movie could be to some. i feel bad

Today, went to take some Panera to my grandparents and had lunch with them. yumm =] my grandma is such a pig,but i cant help but laugh and love her for it! she's such a kid! then went to visit my grandpa nishio's grave. too bad i didnt know what time the sprinklers went off cuz i got caught in them >< i laughed at myself, but what else was i going to do? so i got a lil wet putting down a bouquet of flowers and a card... i partly think the card was stupid, but at the same time i really wanted to put one down... w/e my grandma will read it if some deer doesnt take it first. Afterward, i went to visit my aunt and uncle at work and said goodbye again. my aunt cried! it's funny but i feel bad for her. she's so sensitive. then came back to YL and went to play racket ball with julie! that was so much fun! i love racket ball, i wonder if there's courts at UMass. if not, i wanna play tennis. =D
now i'm gonna go to my grandmas and eat dinner with her and eat tonkatsu! yumm!!

omg i havent even started packing! i'm sooo behind!!

I'm gonna miss:
Julie, Mel, Jan
BEACH! (and what comes with the beach ;D)
my new bed
restaurants and great food (including In-N-Out & Jamba Juice)
24 hour fitness
racket ball
my car! (even though it DOES have a creepy grin)
my family
blasting the music and driving with the windows down
seeing/hearing all the niiice cars on the road
the sunsets

"You can sell salt to a slug, *if* you listen to the slug. "

Friday, August 28, 2009


Okay so i really need to catch up on some blogs. I dont know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that i dont blog everyday or keep up with blogs that i follow. but either way, i feel like i'm missing out. my aunt's blog is amazing and has the most random and uplifting things in it! I just can't seem to keep up!
So one of the things i said i would do this summer is read more. I say that every summer. Does it work? No. I wish there was something that i can take that would make me want to read more. I just need the motivation to start something and then i'll finish it. it's the jump-start that slows me down. does that make sense? Another thing was to see more concerts. I saw a few, but really only one big one. it's just the thing costs money. and the one i really wanted to go to was the Cobra Starship one in Hollywood. yea. fail. I was about 2 hours late from when the tickets went on sale. Supposedly the tickets were sold out in "seconds."
But i did get a few things done this summer. Many little things that are probably only significant to me, but, hey, it counts too. One thing that my mother has been putting on me this whole summer was completing my room. I think we got that tucked away. Now where do i put my old room?
By the way, where did they come up with the name "Ketchup"? that's so random for spreadable tomato sauce.

"Undying love is like the ghost in your villa. Everybody talks about it, but try and find one person who has seen it. "

~*Live. Laugh.Love.*~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


(courtesy of Aunt Barb's blog) Isn't this just SOOO true? ...unfortunately.

I wish I was this busy the whole summer. Working for my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, and my parents. Going to the gym afterwards. (well i've been going to the gym)

It's interesting how people actually want to hang out at the end of summer. It's like they procrastinate in every aspect of their life. School, hanging out, planning things, family events, or just responding to someone. I'm not saying I'm not one of them, but it's interesting how procrastination is so common. I wonder if it was always so prominent. Like were great explorers and scientists always punctual? probably not. I bet kings and queens were hardly ever on time "a queen is never late, everyone is simply early." (~Julie Andrews in Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement) There have always been deadlines, but what percentage of those deadlines have actually been met? (not including extended deadlines) I watch my mom at work meet her deadlines.My aunt and uncle are always working to catch up on past deadlines (they own their own radiology company, the medical business isn't easy. especially financially) And then there are my grandparents who's only deadline left is death itself.
How nice it would be to end up like my grandparents. Sure they have their aches and pains, loss of memory and loss of hearing, but they suuuure are happy and in love. What's so great is that they're so happy that they make everyone else around them feel happy and loved. If I were to aspire to be anyone when I grow old, it would be them (yes, both of them).
So, I guess that statement means I wouldn't want to grow old alone. hahhaa. Which means someday I would like to have that special someone by my side. My "soulmate," if there is such a thing. If it weren't for my grandparents and a few other people I know, I think it'd be really hard for me to believe in the thing called "love."
~Love is pain, healing, suffering, joy, anger, laughter, sadness, caring, sharing, fun, wanting, needing, respect, hope, and a warm embrace (figuratively and literally).~
I love my dog ^_^ hehe He's the only being that is constant in my life.

"Darling. I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom."


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Isn't August Over YET?!

Still over 3 weeks left to head out back to school. This feels like the longest summer I've ever been on. I don't think I will ever let myself have such a long summer anymore! I know that someday I'll want one just as long and relaxing when I'm busy working, but deep down, I'll know that it's not what I really need. I need to be productive to feel good about myself. Have I been this summer?
During the summer I've...
~gone to the beach almost every week
~gone to sleep early and awaken early (beginning of summer)
~looked for a job, nearly got one a couple times
~helped out grandparents and my other grandma
~stayed in Santa Monica
~saw many movies
~went camping with the family
~went camping with friends (got into an accident on the way home)
~my friend from Pennsylvania visited for a few days (went to SD and went to Sea World)
~hung out with Julie a lot (went to the OC fair, ran errands, beach, and a bunch of random stuff)
~a couple bonfires w/ "the asian gang"
~gone to sleep late and awaken late (now)

I know I've done a lot this summer, spent a lot of money, and had a lot of fun, but still. I would have enjoyed having a job and travel back east to see my friends from school.
I think I pretty much failed, miserably, at trying to read a lot this summer. I'm so disappointed in myself.

My Garden

I planted a seed one day. I cared for that seed for many days. It wasn't any more special than any other plant. It was more like a weed. Yet I continued to care for it. Other plants I've cared for have died within 6 months or 3 months. But for some reason this little seed, this weed, was different. Disappointingly, it was just like all the other plants. It grew like the other seeds, but not very tall. I didn't expect much from it, but when it disappointed me so, I was very saddened. I don't know why this weed made me feel so concerned about it. Then one day, out of no where, it DIED. I was so angry because I knew it was my fault but I don't know what I had done. So I threw it in the yard where I threw all the past plants. That spot was the driest and ugliest part of my yard. Like the others I gradually accepted the fact that it was dead and forgot about it. Well, every once in a while I'd wonder what went wrong with that weed. Then I'd remember, it was just a weed. A few months later, as I was tending to my other plants, my flowers, and my trees, I noticed something odd. It scared me at first, but soon I accepted it. That weed had grown a flower. A small and subtle flower, but nonetheless, IT GREW BACK. I have no idea why. So I let it be. I let it grow amongst my full grown blossoms and luscious greenery. I thought about cutting it because I didn't think it deserved a second chance. But I realized it didn't want a second chance, it just was asleep for a while. Maybe someday it'll grow as big as my trees, but for now it's still just a weed. I don't pay attention to it as much as my other plants, but I keep it as a reminder that not all things die forever. A reminder that burning bridges isn't the way to put out a fire.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

throwing out the old...

.. and bringing in the NEW!
so for the past few weeks.. i've been actively redoing my room. even though it seems like we just redid it. (but it was really 4 years ago) boy how time flys. so when i say that i'm redoing my room, i really mean getting new furniture and giving away the old. same color, same ..."junk," as my mom would like to call it.
last week i got a bigger mattress =D (full) and 2 days ago i got new sheets and some throw pillows. a before we got the mattress, dad and i took apart my old bed and my old desk and well now it's in another spot in the house. ><
i wish i could keep my room like this. there's lots of room in here and it's niiiice =] i really like sleeping on the floor (on my mattress on the floor, that is)

when a room is nice and clean, makes you wanna do things. for example, i want to KEEP it clean! i want to organize every single thing (that'll take a year!)
i want to read every book i have.
i want to play with every toy.
i want to throw more things away.
i want to keep just as much.
i want to relive my childhood.
i want to share all my treasures with everyone.
i want to save up the money i find WOOHOO!
i want to decorate.
and i just want to relax and enjoy the beauty of having my own room.

whenever i clean my room, i remember how lucky i really am. to have all the things i have. to have all these things i don't need. to have my own room. to have running water. to have electricity for this laptop. to be able to enjoy any music i want. to be able to have so much that many aren't able to obtain in their lifetime. ...... then i get sad. and feel really guilty. that's why i give all my stuff away to charity. =] at least i'm giving back something.
i hope that someday i can afford to give away much more to those in need. if i can, my blood,sweat and tears, my hands to help, and my heart.

i ALWAYS would rather give than take anything. to anyone and everyone.

i don't understand why my parents don't see that anymore. they always see the things in me that they disagree with. why are parents such hypocrites sometimes?!... many of the times? i know i shouldn't complain about them, but i just don't understand. they raise me to speak for myself, not be so shy, have an opinion, and make my own future and not let anyone determine it for me. so of course, i take their advice. but what do they do? they get mad at me! i don't understand. they ask me if i like something, i say no.. they get mad. they ask me if i want something, they say "ok."....then later they get mad at me for begging for something they suggested. they complain i don't do one thing or another, but how am i suppose to know if i didn't even know the chore existed?! they yell instead of asking. they argue instead of talking. and they never finish an argument. i'm SO CONFUSED!
just because i don't like something, doesn't mean we can't keep it. i'm not the only one that matters. and since when did my opinion matter so much?
just because i want something, doesn't mean i need it. i don't really want everything i say i want. b/c that would mean a lost of wasteful spending.
just because i DON'T want something, it doesn't mean that i don't like it or that others won't enjoy it.
just because i dont want to DO something, doesn't mean i won't do it.
I'm willing, as long as you just ask nicely.
I'm a huge fan of "please" and "thank you." whether you're my mom, dad, grandmother, friend, or stranger, i'm more than willing to do anything (with in reason) as long as u just ask nicely.
now i really don't like conflict or arguing, but if it's necessary, i would really like to talk it out.
I always listen.. i will always listen.. as long as you give me the same kind courtesy.
I will always RESPECT you and try to be UNDERSTANDING, as long as i can get the same in return.

I PROMISE all of the above. and if i dont keep it, anyone and everyone is obligated to call me out on it. and i will graciously apologize if that is so.

k... well that's plenty for tonight.
time for bed.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Monday, July 6, 2009

june o9

soo.. i haven't written on this in a while.. not saying that i've been too busy to write anything... but i just haven't had the urge to blog. but since i'm here.. i thought i should finally.

sooo.. lets see.. so far this summer i've applied to about 15 jobs (rejected from almost all because i'm not going to be able to work long-term -.-) i still have one hopeful so we'll see how that goes. so instead of getting an actual job, because it's too late to get one, i'm working for my grandparents. cleaning, painting, organizing, planting, reconstructing... etc. it's not bad, i get to spend time with my grandparents (which i love because i always learn something new from them and they're such a great bunch =] ) so they pay me some, which is nice =]

only problem, i just spent $200 to fix my computer! gah! i wish i was a geek ><... so now i hardly have any money to do anything. i hate being jobless and not a genius. life would be so much easier if i was.

SahP called me yesterday!! yay! i was so happy to hear her voice =] she made my day. it was good to talk to her because i was having a horrible day with my parents and i got "that feeling" again. but when she called.. i was able to get my mind off of things, then complain to her ..haha.., and vice versa. she made me feel better and afterwards i was able to talk to my parents. so thanx sahP =]

lets see.. what else... oh i got into HTM like a month ago =] so happy about that.
today i finally met jim hatcher, my parent's financial advisor, and now mine. he was so nice and very informative about what i want to do with my money. he's great. i also found out that Leigh Steinberg's office is in the same building. SO kool! (too bad he gets in so much trouble these days)

so i've been looking to see what cool places i can go to, like clubs, in the LA area, and i found one! and you dont have to be 21! WOOT! so i'm gonna see if i can get some tix to see cobra starship or someone there. they have a great lineup for this summer so hopefully i'll be able to go often =]

i've also been going to the beach about every week, working out at the gym everyday (if not i at least go running), seeing friends and family every week. so besides my financial problems, my summer is pretty good. but boy... i suuure do miss my friends back at umass =[. i can't believe i have to wait another 2 months before goin back to school! gah! iono if i can take it. hopefully it'll go by fast and i'll go water skiing or something with my friends....i also want to find someone who will teach me how to surf for free.. wish i knew jason mraz, bet he could teach me =]
OH and speaking of jason mraz... he's playing at the Hollywood Bowl on October 10th!! that SUX!!!!!! i'm gonna be in the east coast... why cant he play in cali when i'm here?!?!?!?!?!? gosh darn ><
oh, and i finally met the guy who know's jason. tyler.. soemthing. he's SOOOO funny and smart. just an overall fun guy. i met him at my friend's graduation/promotion/2nd year anniversary party. that was fun. got to drink with the grownups and mingle as if i were one of them =] FINALLY i dont feel so young. wish i could have gone out partying with them till 3 though. =[ (that's what happens when your parents are too old to party late hahaha)

So 4th of july was fun. I went to eat breakfast with my friends at Mimi's and we had fun eating our huge breakfasts and talking about random stuff like usual =] then i went to the gym and made dessert for the night. i made Fool. yes that's the real name. it's some British dessert. ::shrug:: it turned out .. ok. i think i should stick to baking and cooking though. then we headed over to my grandparents' for bbq (which was delicious) i didnt have too much of an appetite though. =[ but it was fun. then i left early to go to a party at my friend's appt at UCI. that was interesting. lots of guys ><. too many. there was like a 1 to 3 girl ratio there. my goodness. but it was fun. got a good buzz and played some games. i knew a few ppl there so it wasn't too awkward. we got busted 2 times though haha... too bad the girls got in trouble =[ (we were in their appt) but at the end of the night, my mom wouldnt let me stay the night, so she and my dad picked me up. lol so awkward... of course i told my friends my friend was picking me up XD but w/e my parents are chill about it, they just dont want me to get caught. CAN'T WAIT TO PARTY IT UP BACK AT UMASS!

k well i'm gonna go search for some music or something.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jason's post

ok so i wanted to post this post because (1) you should be aware of this, not necessarily HAVE to do anything, but at least be aware and (2) that picture is just too hott to be ignored!

gotta <33333333 Jason Mraz! <3333333
btw.. if u like this post, and havent visited his blog yet, you should because he's funny, random, personal, aware of the environment, healthy, and always picture perfect ;D

"Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Deep Sh*t.

Recent News from our friends at the Natural Resource Defense Council (The NRDC) say that Americans’ addiction to two-ply, super soft toilet paper is causing greater harm to our environment than our gas guzzling cars. No shit.

How is that so?
In order to produce all that perfectly plush paper, companies must harvest tons of virgin trees, which the reaping of means less oxygen for the atmosphere to offset or all the carbon that seems to be frying us here on the surface.

So our asses are in trouble.

The US is the country that consumes the most forests specifically to fulfill the demand of Charmen Assficiandos far and wide. If you travel abroad, you may find discomfort in the thin one-ply offered up pretty much everywhere else. But that’s because most other countries are more careful about their resourceful trees and/or use recycled and post-consumer paper in the manufacturing of toilet tissue. Click here to learn what post-consumer means.

I remember visiting India and being astounded to find there wasn’t any paper. Talk about saving trees and not clogging the septic! Instead, there was a water hose next to the toilet and it was recommend you use your hand (which is why you always shake hands and eat meals with your right (and only your right).)

So I’m writing this today to invite you to buy only recycled or large percentage post consumer paper for your household, school or office. If you aren’t the one buying it, then encourage your janitorial staff to consider it. The paper isn’t nearly as soft, but it’s just as durable. Click here for the Tissue Shopper’s Guide provided by the NRDC.

It was while camping in Costa Rica last week that I realized I needed to share this with you. When it came to the limited supply of tissue brought to the jungle, one has to be selective on how and when to use. My friend was amazed at how little paper was actually required for the job. And it has nothing to do with my raw diet, because quite honestly, I’ve been swimming in deeper waters lately, introducing my stomach to rich and indulgently devilish foods. (How dare I!)

Toilet Tissue Tips:
- Start small. Challenge yourself to use only 8 squares in your session. We’ve all been in that place where it’s close to the cardboard roll and you have to be MacGuyver to make a clean get-away. This will force you to get creative while taking good care of each square.

- Use both sides. I mean that. I bet some people are afraid to look at or get close to their own skid-marks. But I say it’s better to know how your body’s handling the business of your health. Fold the paper again and again using a clean angle from the very same square. There’s a lot of real estate wasted on each sheet when you only wipe once.

- Should you find the paper too thin and become the victim of too many breakthroughs, try using a stronger material as a backing. This worked when I was camping. The paper wasn’t holding up in the dampness of camp, so I used a leaf to give the paper more strength from behind. Plus the leaf was textured, which handled the job with far more efficiency than just the paper by itself.

Forgive me for being anal about this. I just thought I’d share the news and suggest an eco-friendly solution to one of nature’s biggest pains in the ass.

For more helpful blogs like this one, intended to enhance your life and the lives of others around you, check out SuperForest.Org. It’s my personal favorite.

Pura Vida!

You know You're from SoCal When...

~you're taking driving school with a celebrity
~you can expect bad traffic everyday on almost every freeway
~the only way you can get really anywhere is by freeway
~you KNOW there's a difference between San Diego County, Los Angeles County, and Orange County....well maybe not everyone knows that.. like some SD ppl
~you see ppl walking/driving around like they're the shit
~you yourself or someone you know personally LOVES In-N-Out
~you see frozen yogurt shops popping up on every corner like Starbucks
~you know what June gloom is... and you know it sucks because it's suppose to be SUMMER!
~you see an azn or hispanic everywhere... they're almost becoming a majority
~the sky isn't necessarily blue... it's a blue with a brown hazy tint to it
~the city, the beach, the border, the mountains, the desert are all within 2hrs away (with good traffic that is)
~the news contains information about the Lakers, a whale off the coast, a wild bear scaring some people, a celebrity, a death/accident, a "wonder-shirt" for men, and of the bizzare weather of the mountains, inland, and the beach...oh and some info about what's going on in the government and the rest of the world
and there's a whole lot more...

so tmrrw i have to get rid of my baby =[ ( my 2007 mazda 3) i'm really sad... i REALLY AM!!!! it looks so cuute, sure it's not as great as the new one... but it's good enough and it doesnt have that funny smile in the front and the weird grin in the back!(look at pix.. you'll kno what i mean) if the savings were better in keepin this car, i would!!! =[ but the benefits at gettin this other car outweigh the cost at keepin my baby. =[ tomorrow is my last day with her. so sad. maybe i'll take her to the beach ;D haha

awwww.. i just saw a commercial for Away We Go... and the more i see the commercial, the more i want to see it, at first i didnt want to because it's weird seeing Maya Rudolph in a serious role, but now i think it's about time i get over that. oh.. and this new movie with Eddie Murphy (Imagine That) actually looks kinda cute. i havent wanted to see an Eddie Murphy movie since Shrek3!

Another thing.. i've been watching Conan O'Brien on the Tonight Show this week. glad he's on earlier now.. like him alot more than jay leno (not saying he's bad or anything.. for those who love Jay). the one with Tom Hanks was soo great!! i LOVE tom hanks =D if you haven't watched it yet.. you should.. never know what you might miss. and following is Jimmy Fallon! now i dont know about you, but i LOVE Jimmy ever since SNL... so i really enjoy his show. (the one w/ Anne Hathaway and Mario Batali was good this week) Oh.. and another thing u should watch is Brian Williams's interview with Obama. if you haven't seen it already on Tues and Wed night.. there's a 2 hr encore Friday!! (check your local listings for times).. trust me.. it's very interesting. and when their dog, Bo, comes in.. you're heart just melts! what a CUUUTE PUPPY!!! ><

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm just sittin here....

Listening to : Turn Me On by Norah Jones

Listening to music really does make life feel 10x better. =] Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Carla Bruni, Regina Spektor, Dawn Mitchelle, Norah Jones, Pricilla Ahn.. and so on they're so soothing to listen to. I wish I were as talented as them.

So this WEEK was crazy. went looking for a job at about 10 places. I have an interview tmrrw at 8 in the morning w/ my mom's cousin's son who happens to have been a Calvin Klein model. hahah so funny. and now he's a financial planner. hahahhahah gotta love him though he's so nice and helpful =] So after doing all that .. whew.. i went shopping for the house/food since my mom was sick all week =[ so i've been taking care of her too =] she's delusional when she's sick. i swear the things that come out of her mouth are hilarious and ridiculous. XD but i love her so much ^^ i'm so glad to be home. Went to the fish market w/ my grandma the other day.. that was kind of a chore, but i didnt mind. when i'm around her i have to remind myself of so many things. to hold my temper, to be patient, speak up and slower, and always be cheerful (because if she sees me a bit unhappy or stressed she keeps asking what's wrong and gets mad at me ><) seriously she scares me sometimes if i want to do something for her or if i want to pay for her, she'll get physical. hahaha this weekend i visited julie at uci and hung out w/ everyone there =] then went to see UP!!!!! it was sooooo cuuuuuute and sad (i freakin cried!) love the dogs and the bird!!! aww what a great movie ^^ then that movie really made me want ice cream from baskin robbins soo..... me joe and julie drove to baskin robbins.. then afterwards.. we were a bit bored and didnt feel like going back.. so we drove to huntington beach and walked on the peir and talked for what seeemed like an hour. it was soo nice! i missed the beach. that was so much fun =] then i drove julie back home. this morning we went to breakfast. julie, jan, melissa and i. =D they got their waffles w/ strawberries and i got this really good scramble thing. =] yummmmmmmm that was fun =] afterwards.. mel and her sister took me and jan to this ed hardy factory sale in irvine. boy was that crazy!!! maan what a crazy place. clothes scattered in piles on the floor and on tables. it was ... CRAZY. got a hat and a shirt for me and my mom. after they dropped me off at home, i took a niice loong nap ^^. when my parents came home from their weekend in SD, mom and i went to run errands. i was kinda snappy and so was she.. it was kinda bad. it's gonna b that time of the month >< but u kno.. i realized..
just because i don't want to do something doesn't always mean i won't do it.
my mom, my aunts, my grandmas always do this to me.. they ask " do you want to.........?" meaning "i want you to...." or " i think you should do....." why dont they just ask me straight forward?! i hate it when people ask me if i "want" to do something when they're really asking me to "do" something! my response usually is " no i dont WANT to do it, but i WILL" because it's what i should do. they try to make it seem like it's MY idea to do something. i dont mind if you just ASK! "will you please do this?" ohh.. and that's the other thing... it's ALWAYS nice when ppl are polite in asking someone to do something. whether you're someone's boss, an employee, a mother, a customer, etc..... say "please" and "thank you." those 3 little words can REALLY mean alot. and sometimes they can make one's day... like mine.

Listening to: Unbroken by Missy Higgins (how i feel right now..ironically =D)

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial day eve

So i had quite an exciting day i thought. I got all my chores done and was able to get out the house by 11 45 to run a couple errands and go to my grandparents in whittier. So i thought i was just gonna have dinner w/ my aunt and my grandparents, but come to find out my other aunt (from Oakland) flew down for a couple days, a guy named Guy came with his sister, and a the Stevens (whom i've known my whole life as family friends). We all had quite an intellectual lunch over sandwiches and potato salad. We talked about poltitics, history, religion, art, family, friends, and they all reminisced about school. See Guy and the Stevens were my parents' and my aunts' (aunts on both sides) teachers in high school. It's crazy how they ended up being long time family friends! i mean i had lunch w/ my mom and aunt's art teacher, my dad's teacher, my other aunt's teacher. it was weird. and what surprised me even more was that they all remember SOOOO much from those days. the names they brought up. all the people they knew. all the occurances. Oh and i HAVE to introduce Guy to Sophie! She would love hiM! he's soo interesting.
after that lovely lunch, Ann took me to Santa Monica and we went to Archlight in Hollywood to see Angels and Demons. SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVED IT! even more so than The Da Vinci Code! =D.... then she wanted to see another movie and we watched Star Trek. haha it was so much better seeing it on the BIG BIG screen. but $29 for two tix PER movie?! goddamn! but it was worth it =] .. afterall it IS Archlight. Oh and we saw an actress that my aunt likes in line for popcorn. dono her name or what she was from.. but i remember her face, that's for sure.
then it took forever for us to find an open place here for dinner. found this japanese place that was pretty good and actually served Mochi Ice Cream!!! woopie! =]
so i'd say today was pretty satisfying.
i reallyy wish someone would make a movie out of the book The Historian! I should do something about that!
This is where i would also complain about my aunt and possibly a couple other things, but i'll save that for later cuz i'm tired and i really just feel like having a good night's rest =]

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Saturday, May 23, 2009

back home for the summer

so i'm back in cali. got back thurs night. i feel all alone again. maan being back is so depressing.
So i only got to see my parents till friday mornin and then they headed up north to Cambria in Central Cal. to do their annual wine tasting weekend w/ their friends. So basically i'm home alone for the weekend. Friday i headed down to San Diego w/ joy and chris and we saw The Sounds, Paramore, and No Doubt perform. one of the most amazing concerts i've ever seen, if not the best!!!! sooo amazing! =] funny thing.. we planned on eating dinner near the venue after we found it... but when we were looking for it, we ended up being stuck in the line to park for the concert -.- so we couldnt get out. so we ordered pizza! hahahaha pizza delivered to the parking lot and that was our dinner XD. so funny. come to find out that when we got in there was food -.- fml. then after the concert it took us about 1/2 hr to find my car hahaha. that was sad... but we weren't the only one's lost. especially not compared to the drunk ppl. then i drove home cuz we couldn't stay in SD. ended up comin home @ 3 and i just crashed after dropping them off.
today was chris's bbq. we watched the lakers beat the nuggets!!! WOOT! what a good game =] it was soo close. both teams kinda sucked toniight though. lakers' defense sucked balls! but at least we won =] so the event was ok and it was nice seeing ppl, but it made me realize that i really dont belong w/ this crowd. i mean everyone is kool and nice,but i just dont fit in like i thought i did. made me miss my umass friends sooo much even more =[. i know what i need.... julie, mel, and jan. =] they're always friends i can count on here. i can never get tired of hanging out w/ them and they're just the best ever! =] goal this summer : make more outgoing friends
a good thing that's been happenin is that i am gradually forgetting and not thinking about certain things. it all felt like a dream almost like it didnt happen, and it's a good feeling. i feel more confident about my feelings.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

we all ARE just human

i wont say sorry for the things that i have done, said, or acted upon. i believe things happen for a reason whether it's good or bad. nonetheless, things happen. shit happens. it sucks. life sucks sometimes, and live is wonderful when u want it to be.
but i will admit that many times i've acted immature and idiotic towards myself and others because i think that at the time it's what i want to say or do. when i think about it later i still believe it's right. but then much later i realize that it was me being selfish and i was only hurting others. although i wanted to at the time, it's not what i really want deep down. i hate myself for hurting others, especially if it means losing a friend. i've never really hated anyone except myself.
because i am who i am, i care too much about others to hate anyone. though i might say i hate someone when i'm mad, it's not true.
as the last day of freshman year in college, i would like to say that i am finally content. freshman year has opened my eyes to many things old and new. i have made some self-discoveries and i have made many friends. i said this in the beginning of the school year: i am finally happy. though i'm not happy everyday with stupid mood swings, but i am overall happy. i've NEVER been so happy in my life till college. this may be the best time of my life and i'm gonna make the most of it! =] i'm not gonna let anything get to me to think otherwise. i'm not gonna let any guy into my heart so he can ruin this experience anymore. i have the best of friends and that's all i could ask for. =]
btw.. congrats to all those graduating!! class of '09
oh funny thing just now. so me and sophie are packing everything up and our room is pretty much a mess. while she was cleaning her desk she found andrew's bubbles! hahahhaha after we were convinced we gave it back. oops. she has no idea how they got there so we named them the "magic bubbles." too bad we had to throw them away. .. which reminds me i bought bubbles one party night .. i think i left them in tim tim's room >.> darn.
awwwwww i miss tim tim. =[ i miss rachel! annika! sam! tj! and all those who already left. =[ so sad. i can't believe i'm gonna b 3 months w/o them!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! they're the best friends ever.. and me and sophie are parting tmrrw!!!! NOOOOO!!!! :'( there are going to be some tears shed tmrrw! my eyes are gonna b soo swollen >< god fuckn damn! (my new favorite thing to say lol)
okeedokee.. i feel like stopping now, so i'm gonna go organize my backpack =]

~*Live. Laugh. Love. *~ (seriously!)

Last Day =[

today is my last whole day in freshman year here at UMass =[. so sad. one more exam in about an hour. it's resecon! omfg it's gonna suck! why is it that all the econ classes suck?! oh wait.. it's cuz all the econ teachers suck! wish i could have mr platt for all my econ classes XD. so.. i'm cramming for my exam. at this point i dont care anymore. i just want to pack up the room.. it's so much fun =]
i realized this morning that i analyze things too much. iono if it's good or bad. i guess to some degree it's good. i seem to look at everything i do and the first thing i think of .. "how long it's gonna take? who is it going to affect? what's more efficient?" but i've learned to let loose. man if i didnt realize how ocd i am about organizing and analyzing everything.. i would drive people crazy.. probably myself too. haha so keeping these types of thngs to myself is good.
oh and i had another one of those moments last night. where "i hate guys!" things. that's one thing i could never analyze or predict. guys. even when i think i have a guy figured out.. i always end up being surprised. and not usually in a good way. one thing hold constant though. about 90% of guys are assholes and always will be. it's the 5% is what keeps us girls hoping and hurting because it takes us so many of the wrong guys to find the right ones. they're so rare to come by. there's only a few guys in my life who are part of that 5% (including my dad and grandpa ^.^). one of them is probably the best boyfriend i've ever met... tim tim =] he's the bestest boyfriend to my friend rachel and he's been so great to us girls all year. he takes care of not just rachel,but all of us. he cares about our wellbeing, he listens to us, he makes sure we are all happy, and he's just the best guy friend ever! he takes so much shit from rachel it's ridiculous, yet they're so much in love ^^. he's a rare breed to come by.
k gonna go study some more now XD. l8r!

~*Live. Laugh. Love.*~

Sunday, May 10, 2009


so i had a whole post written.. but because of my stupid internet.. it shut down.. and i lost all of what i had written. =[
i basically said that today was a beautiful day.. and i love the songs/artists i've been listening to.
k now i'm going to bed cuz i'm pissed off at my computer. can't wait to wipe my computer!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sweet Scent of Spring

I love spring. =]
i love the colors, the outfits, the smells, the tastes the season brings, and all the cuute fuzzy animals ^^ hahaha
have you ever noticed that the rain brings out the beautiful colors of nature? with the dark clouds in the background.. the green,pink,purple,yellow,etc. is brighter and more beautiful than ever. especially right after it rains when the sun peaks out of the poofy clouds and shines it's glorious yellow rays down on the earth.
Spring still remains my favorite season.

Someday i would like to own a couple Versace dresses. Man whenever i think up of a design.. i see it on tv, in a magazine, or somewhere online as an actual versace dress! while i'm dreaming... i'd love to have an R8, a beach house, a house in Europe, a timeshare in Bora Bora, Tahiti, a cabin in the mountains, an apartment in the city (NY) and a nice home in YL. hahahha like that'd ever happen...
i really would be happy living in an cute apartment in the city with a cuuute dog by myself. owning nothing larger than a bike for transportation. maan that would be the best right out of college.
what i really want right now is to get MORE MUSIC!!!! gah! and to wipe my laptop goodness.. that's one thing i'm looking forward to doing when i get home for the summer. speaking of summer... i hope jason mraz comes to play in socal for a lil while.. i would LOVE to see him!!!
i'm kinda excited for summer.. only cuz i really want to go to the beach and relax and hopefully earn some money.. but maaan... i really want to come back to the east coast for a month .. or even a week.. or weekend... it's tim's bday party.. and i'm the only one who really cant come =[ freakin distance!!
omg 3 months without my friends!! i'm gonna miss them SOOOOO MUCH!! iono what i'm gonna do without them! =[ what's so great about the friends i have here.. they really ARE like family.. they're better friends than almost all my other friends back at home. they know me better than anyone and i've only known them for what.. 9 months?! it's amazing what dormlife can do !! =]


Monday, May 4, 2009

infatuation, admiration, love

Sometimes there seems to be a fine line between infatuation, admiration, and love.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary states:


In*fat`u*a"tion\, n. [LL. infatuatio: cf. F. infatuation.] The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates.


Ad`mi*ra"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. admiratio. See Admire.]
1. Wonder; astonishment. [Obs.] Season your admiration for a while. --Shak.
2. Wonder mingled with approbation or delight; an emotion excited by a person or thing possessed of wonderful or high excellence; as, admiration of a beautiful woman, of a landscape, of virtue.
3. Cause of admiration; something to excite wonder, or pleased surprise; a prodigy.


Love\, n. [OE. love, luve, AS. lufe, lufu; akin to E. lief, believe, L. lubet, libet,it pleases, Skr. lubh to be lustful. See Lief.]
1. A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; pre["e]minent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters. Of all the dearest bonds we prove Thou countest sons' and mothers' love Most sacred, most Thine own. --Keble.
2. Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.

I've never been attractive enough for someone to be infatuated with me.
I've never done anything great enough for someone to admire me.
I've never had the opportunity to be loved by someone.
I don't want any of it. Someday.. maybe.

To what degree does love become infatuation or admiration becomes love?
One may love someone so much that they are nearly obsessed with that person.
Or someone can admire another so much to the point where they think they are "in love."

But what we all really need is someone to stand by us.

Playing For Change | Song Around The World "Stand By Me" from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

i bumped my head and it hurts... alot

literally.. i did.. figuratively.. i did too
so last night as i was rushing into sophie's bed to watch a movie i went in "spider" way.. where ur butt goes in first.. i thought i was all good but then BOOM! it hit me.. the bar.. and it hit hard. well i hit it but w/e. technicalities. so i fell to the ground began laughing then crying then laughing then crying but mostly laughing. it was quite funny to me.. but everyone thought i had a slight concussion.. who knows.. all i know is that i was tired, had a really bad headache, and was hysterical. but no one would let me lay down.. they said "NOO!! dont lay down you'll fall asleep and then get nautious and throw up and choke urself to death!!" -.- srsly?! i wasnt that bad. still hurts one nite, one day, 4 tylenols later.
OHHH btw.. my dad came and visited me at the tail end of his business trip!! =D i was SOOOO happy! after minneapolis and a couple places in in mass. he came to visit me and my friends. he took me shopping for mother's day a present and took me to dinner =] then this mornin i took him to breakfast =] glad he liked everyone and everyone liked him =] too bad tim and him couldnt talk about the air force.. lol that would have been amusing to witness. i miss him already =[.. almost cried when i saw him i missed him so much. but in a few weeks i'll see him =]
so right now i feel kinda... KINDA.... errr well that's what i want to think.. i feel pretty bad about something today. i put on this front that i didnt care and enjoyed the fact that something bad happend to someone. but really... i dont mean it at all.. sure i'm mad.. but i feel real bad and hope he's ok. i really do. it makes me sad that this happend and that i cant express anyway but on this blog how i really feel. i wish i could say i actually hate this person. but i cant when i think about it. problem is i cant stop thinking about it. i wish someone could erase my memory clean of this person. and that's the truth.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

"time for all the wrong reasons, time to end the pain"

Currently listening to Jason Mraz after hours of just thinking about him. =] hahaha funny thing i'm writing an essay about him. if u give me an essay where we can write about practically anything.. i'll write about him! Mraz is my love my life. hhaha well not really. but he's pretty great. i wouldn't mind writing an essay analyzing every single song of his.. about his life...and just about how great he is. lol Currently living high.. off of coffee!! yesh! reminds me of Montreal... man just one esspresso shot and i was crazy! laughed so hard till i cried because of some thing that wasn't THAT funny lol. i swear nothing makes me crazy more than esspresso! (that's why i dont drink coffee that much) Currently trying to write this essay... but decided to blog about how happy i am with my coffee and mraz. =] Currently not worried about the time. (it's only 1:21am) Currently lackin LOTS of sleep... hardly slept week b4 Montreal.. hardly slept during Montreal.. hardly slept this week.. hardly slept this weekend. =_= <<>.> Currently my stomach is making noises.. stupid coffeee >< Currently gonna go finish mai paipa! woot woot.. i love writing about mraz ^^

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Annika, TJ, and I all wor our Earth Day t-shirts from Montreal! hehe fun stuff ^^
it's too bad it rained today =[ my jeans got soaked XP but it was funny hearing them slosh as i walked.
took some pics today because natural colors always look so beautiful when it rains/after it rains.

i miss montreal. wish we could have stayed a few days longer. i would have loved to go see more sites and eat more great food =] yummm

i've been doing great for over a month! my attitude has been optimistic and happy for the most part. my mood was dampend yesterday, but it's w/e. only REAL problem is that i've been feelin nautious alot lately. =[ (no i'm not pregnant, lol) i need to change pills -.- this one's not very nice to my body and my moods.

so my friend from pre-school-1st grade is coming to visit me tmrrw! she's stayin till saturday! so excited. i havent REALLY hung out w/ her since grade school. i mean we see each other every year and talk every once in a while, but she's always so far away. (San Diego) So she got accepted here at UMass and is thinking about coming here for school next year as an incoming freshman. doubt she'd come here though. but it'll b nice to hang w/ her =] i remember i use to be so envious of her when we were little because she was always the tall blonde who somehow got all the attention. i didnt understand because she was always such a brat. ::shrug:: but for some reason we were the best of friends as polar opposites. i really think she's come a long way as a person and she's much more down to earth and grounded, at least compared to her friends. but she IS from San Diego... so who knows how much she has changed. hope she's not the typical San Diego brat. i have a feeling she was always more mature than that, but we'll see. =]

signed up for classes for next fall! yay! =] so far my schedule is pretty well rounded.. i just need to try and get into french! also, i'm currently working towards my film studies certificate! woopie! just need to finish my essay for HTM and submit my app =] .... on top of that other hmwk but that's short term importance.

i REALLY wish i could come back to the east coast for like a month in the summer!!! =[ i'm gonna miss my family sooooooooo much! but i'm kinda excited to see how different my friends from home are. OMG!! can't wait for paramore/no doubt!!! ^^ so FUCKN excited! haha =] prob gonna go w/ chris and hopefully joy.. and then stay at my friend's house in SD (same friend whos visiting this week)


(hope these lyrics are right or mostly right XD. had to write them myself)
Dominoes by Dawn Mitchele

heads are turnin
each one is yerning
as one their lookin
i turns away
oh they turn away

hearts are burnin
everything is churining
as the one their lookin i
is getting away
oh they're gettin away

oh we are like dominoes
and we are fallin in one long row now
i sing we're dominoes and we're fallin head
over our, our toes
and she's fallin for him and he's fallin for me
and i am fallin for somebody else who's fallin for you
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin in and oh we're fallin way too fast

minds are dreamin
each time believein
that u'll apear on my doorstep
well maybe today
well maybe today

hands are praying
dont you hear what i'm saying
oh i'll tell you if i get you here
i'll never want you to go away

oh we are like dominoes
and we are fallin in one long row now
i sing we're dominoes and we're fallin head
over our, our toes
and she's fallin for him and he's fallin for me
and i am fallin for somebody else who's fallin for you
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin in and oh we're fallin way too fast

and if i had oh one wish it would be to be
back up on my toes and i would fall as you fall
and turn around and we would fall well nose to nose
not like dominoes

and we are fallin and were fallin in one long row now
i sing we're dominoes and we're fallin head
over our, our toes
and she's fallin for him and he's fallin for me
and i am fallin for somebody else who's fallin for you
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin like dominoes
oh we're fallin in and oh wish we were
oh how i wish we were
fallin fallin nose to nose

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So i'm here in the library on the 9th floor (as recommended by Sophie, my amazing roommate) with Rachel, Annika, and Tim and we're all doing the same thing. WRITING A FUCKN RESEARCH PAPER! woot woot! we all have to start and finish a 5-7 paged research paper for college writing. it shouldnt be too bad once we have all our research.. but it's just so time consuming and one can EASILY loose interest! although, luckly i like reading the stuff i have to read for mine. if i had free time i would read this shit anyways =D i'm such a movie buff.. cuz there's always a movie i havent seen, a detail i didnt know about a movie, a technique i've never seen, practically there's always something new! it's such an interesting industry.
Why did i wait till the last minute? well i always do. and i always seem to be fine. to be honest i had no motivation to start it until tonite anyways. i never do until i'm under pressure and losing time.
What did i do all weekend? NOTHING and yet many things. Watched many movies. Caught up on some shows. Ate with whoever was left. Went to the gym and worked out for a few hours. RELAXED after a stressful week.. and before a nother stressful week. (I can't wait til Montreal!!! soooo pumped!!) movies i watched: Identity, Jurassic park 1,2, and 3, Cloverfield, and i wanna say i watched a couple more w/ sophie but i can't remember.. oh parts of marry poppins!! and started The Tudors and Rome.. finished catching up with The US of Tara. have yet to catch up on Heroes.. but i think i'm over it... i dont feel like watching it anymore. XP... In The Motherhood is funny. wanna watch parks & recreation.

ok i'm done.. well i should be at least.. i need to go back to my paper. it's almost 2 so yea.. haha =D woot woot all nighter!

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

love jason mraz's latest post.. so funny. =P

so i'm stressin about alot of things lately. =[
-housing (with soph in lewis or brett or if i cant get in there.. iono somewhere in central)
-perfecting res econ hmwk
-getting all the classes i want for next semester planned and written down
-finish HTM application
-art portfilio(???)
-paid summer internship
-HTM Exam #2
-my body is fucked up!! more like my face.. and i hate cramps >< .. which then leads to i love motrin!
-research paper
-start reading tale of heike
-finish reading the historian (finally)
-workout more!!!
-worry about all my classes even if i dont have to
-plan trip home
-clean laptop... meaning like take all the good shit.. put it on my new hardrive.. and clean out all the bad shit

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Such a cuute song!!!
1,2,3,4 - Plain White T's

1,2 - 1 2 3 4
give me more lovin then i've ever had.
make it all better when i'm feelin sad.
tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
barely gettin mad,
im so glad i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy,
as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)
theres only one thing two do three words four you.
i love you.
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three words
and that's what i'll do.
i love you.
(i love you)
give me more lovin from the very start.
piece me back together when i fall apart.
tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
best that i've had.
im so glad that i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)
theres only one thing two do three words four you.
i love you.
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three words
and that's what i'll do.
i love you.i love you
(i love you)
you make it easy, its easy as 1234
theres only one thing two do three words four you i love you
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three words
thats what ill do i love you
(i love you)
i love you i love you.
one two three four i love you.
i love you
(i love you)

Latest favorite song
Where did your heart go missing - Rooney
(which by the way we just found out (we as in annika sam and me) that the lead singer of Rooney is the brother of jason schwartzman and cousin of sophia coppola and was in Princess Diaries)

Love don't come so easily
This doesn't have to end in tragedy
I have you and you have me
We're one in a million, why can't you see?

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leavin' me hangin'
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing? Yeah

I meant every word I said
I never was lyin' when we talked in bed
I'm retracin' every step in my head
What did I miss back then? I was so, so misled, oh

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leaving me hangin'
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?

I don't understand
How could you forget what we had?
It's so wrong

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leavin' me hangin'
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?

Things were so good
We had a little dream, a little dream together
Buy a house, settle down, do our thing
But you disappeared on me
And your heart, your heart went missing
I don't know how to find it, I don't know where it is

I don't know where your heart went
It was here just the other day
Now it's gone, I'm gonna call the police
Call the investigator, the heart investigative team

I'm also getting back into older songs i love!! Fueled By Ramen!!! woot.
AND NO DOUBT PERFORMING together I"M SOOO FUCKN EXCITED!!!! my 2 favorite bands!!!

I LOVE MUSIC!! makes me soo happy

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

exactly how i feel... felt. it's over.. i finally decided =]

Bring Me Down
By Lenka

I won’t let this burden bring me down.

So here we are again
starin’ at the end
of what we made and who we are.
Never knowin' when
one of us will break apart
and walk the other way, love.
I don’t know what to say, love.
I don’t know how to stay
when you won’t let me be
the person that I am.

The writings on the wall.
There’s nothin' to say anymore.
So ill leave before I fall apart
right back into your arms.
The writings on the wall.
You gave nothin' back at all.
But I want something better.
I won’t let this burdon bring me down.

What are we to do?
What are we to say to one another
now were through?
Thanks for bein' you.
Thanks for bein’ all things
I had to say goodbye to.
Im over bein' lied to.
Im over bein’ pushed into the person
that you want me to become.


Oh where did it go wrong?
We had it for so long.
But now there’s no point in turning back
let’s face the fact


I won’t let this burdon bring me x2
I won’t let this burdon bring me down.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Sunday, March 29, 2009

oh, and another thing

what seems to be bothering me the most is what i've been dreading ever since i came to college.... conflicts btwn friends. what everyone here is good at is assuming the wrong thing. just cuz some ppl tend to do something often... doesn't mean they do it all the time. more and more lil cliques are forming between our friends. we use to be one big group where we all would communicate with each other and not leave each other out. now there's a group of girls who just does w/e w/o inviting or caring to talk to the other girls. sure they might not know it, but it's so obvious to the rest of us. and then there's the fact that if someone says one word, one phrase someone else takes it the wrong way and gets offended. it's like i always have to be on my guard about every single person here now. it feels like i have to relearn who everyone is. everyone changed. for the worse. i'm scared to tell anyone anything now. what scares me even more is that i opened up to them soo much already. everyone becomes more and more unpredictable and more moody. (that is except for the guys) i'm getting use to getting left out from the people i know ....again. it's like high school all over. i can't even talk to my own roommate anymore. she's so different than last semester. it makes me sad. every single person i met here has changed. i don't know ANYONE anymore. i'm so sad and confused.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


dont you just hate it when you lose your keys? or lose the other side of your sock?
.. more so.. dont you hate losing people you love?
it sux. a broken heart sux. that's pretty much how i feel these days. i feel like my fuckn heart got broken.. again. as stupid/emo/cliche as it sounds, it's true.
i have no one to talk to anymore because i lost my best friend. at least i think i did. i mean if we were best friends, something this stupid wouldnt ruin our friendship.. would it? but it still sux because i need a friend who will listen and care now more than ever.
also. i wish i had someone that could just hold me and make me feel happy. i mean hugs are nice from friends and all... but i'd like to be held by someone that makes me feel like everything is fine, like he really cares about me. i know i deny that i want someone to love me, especially now, but i really do. and i seem to want it now more than ever. at the same time, i'm equally scared to love anyone. ever.
i use to feel like something was REALLY missing from my life. then in high school i found it, it was reality. it was like i was living in a daze before high school. life was so easy, all i worried about was kicking someone's ass in handball. but in high school, stress kicked in. emotions i've never felt overwhelmed me. my brain practically exploded. what i was missing was the excitement of life, the ups and the downs. now i feel like something is missing again. but i have no clue what it is. it can't be love. maybe it's motivation. i get it every once in a while, but i lose it right away. how do i keep it?

u know... i just can't wait till Montreal! i'm so tired of thinking about my feelings. i just want to let loose ...well not THAT loose.

~*Live. Laugh. Love*~

Thursday, March 26, 2009


first off, one GOOD thing is that i finally got over my cold =].. at least i'm pretty sure i did =]

but lets list all the things that have been hurting my head:
1. the fight i had with my best friend. our first legit fight. i got so upset... which made her upset. i'm sorry for overreacting, but i just wish she'd understand me. she always understood me. ever since she got her boyfriend i've been gradually losing my best friend. i've always told her EVERYTHING and she's the only one i can totally be myself with. and if i said i was sorry, she would be like "yea you better be." she's not the kind to sympathize for someone except herself.
i guess i've never really had a best friend. (it makes me fuckn cry... CRY!! i cant believe it! this ridiculousness is making me cry myself to sleep!)
i'm beginning to doubt who my real friends are again. this feeling is so familiar and i thought it went away when i came to college. the feeling of being all alone. again.
2. housing. i'm leaning more towards central. housing isn't too much of an issue as it was a day ago, but i'm still stressin about it. sophie doesnt want to be my roommate anymore. but we both agreed we dont want to room together because we want to branch out and meet new ppl. i'm gonna miss her! she's such a great roommate.
3. exams. of course those are stressful.
4. lack of sleep.
5. planning for montreal! .. it's more exciting than stressful, but nonetheless, it's on my mind.
6. i feel REALLY bad that i got my mom sick!!!! i feel so bad.. she sounds like a smoker =[
7. this stupid part-time job thing i impulsively agreed to participate in. FML!
8. needing money. always worried about that.
9. trying to figure out the paramore/no doubt concert when i get back home. should i go to the SD one in may? or sell those and buy tix for the LA one in july? who should i take? everyone is rejecting me cuz the SD one is memorial day weekend.
10. i'm so tired of worrying about others! but i cant help it! i have to force myself to not care! and then when i try too hard i feel bad cuz i feel like a bitch. ...i hate being a girl!(when it comes to emotions)

what should i do?! (about anything)


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Rest in peace Grandpa Roy.
You're in a much better place now wherever that may be. I'm glad you don't have to suffer your sicknesses anymore. No more nightmares. No more falling. No more bruising. No more heavy breathes. No more grandma's nagging. No more incompetent people "taking care" of you. I Love You Grandpa. =]
I wish I could have been there to say goodbye. But I'm glad our last parting was a good one. =] I Love You Grandpa.
You're the first closest person to have passed away. I'm very fortunate that you have had such a long fulfilling life. Thank you so much for taking me home and to gymnastics before I was old enough to drive. Thanks for always being there. =] You have always been so supportive in every way even though you never said much. I Love You Grandpa.
You have always shared so much with us. Sometimes your insight. Your amazing stories about the war and your life before I knew you. You would share your love with everyone and never judge. You would always be the one who would never get mad and was always so cheerful. I Love You Grandpa.
You put a smile on everyone's face and you're just overall the best grandpa. =] I Love You and you will always be remembered! You will always be in my heart and everyone who you touched with your warm smile. I will miss you very much.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Dad isn't coming to Massachusetts! 3rd cancellation! =[
Reason: the reason is a good reason. My grandpa (my dad's dad) just got transferred to the hospital because he fell.. again =[. The doctors said he had a heart attack and was low on something. So he's going to stay in the hospital for a while. My dad asked his boss to leave early that day to go see Grandpa and his boss said that he shouldn't go to the trip to Massachusetts because he needs to be at home with his family. Good boss. =] Even though I would have LOVED to introduce my dad to all my friends, I'm glad his boss made him stay home because otherwise my dad would have gone on the business trip instead of staying with his family.

On a lighter note. Me and Sophie are reading FML and thinking of embarrassing stories we could put on the website instead of going to sleep. hahaha. Love this.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Why won't you talk to me!? How am I any different from any other friends? Is it so hard to say anything? Why is it so hard to talk to you?! I talk to people I hardly know more than you. Oh, right you probably don't even care. I keep forgetting.


I keep feeling pissed off lately! I don't understand. It could be just temporary, but I hate these mood swings! And, no, I'm not PMSing. This has been going on for the past few weeks. Like sometimes I'm really happy and I'm cool about everything, and then someone says something or does something that just throws me over the edge. I'm not usually like that. It's probably the pill, but I sure hope it goes away soon. I feel bad because I'm afraid it's rubbing off the wrong way on people. =[
My head is all over the place. I wish there was just someone, just one person, a friend that I could look to to make me feel happy all the time, anytime. Someone who just knows what to say at the right time and who could assure me that I'm not going crazy. Someone who will actually listen and care. I'm always that person for others and I don't mind much, but it would be nice to have one friend to just be that person for me. I wish I could just empty out my head, leave it somewhere, and not have to worry about it ever again.
Man, I really have to stop complaining. I hate it. Although, that's what this blog is for and it's not like anyone is going to read it or care so I guess it doesn't matter. ::shrug::
Ok. Now I'm going to put on my "happy-go-lucky" attitude and try to hide my feelings from everyone again. =D ( =\ )


Sunday, March 1, 2009

New blog post

So there's really not much I want to say. What can I say? I'm sure if I had a life like Jason Mraz, I'd be able to talk about what a wonderful place this world is, well it is wonderful, but I haven't seen as much as he has. What a lucky guy. My life here is pretty dull compared to his I'm sure. But I love my life right now. Again, I'm glad I'm still here. =] There's no where else in the world I'd rather be at this time in my life.

So next week my dad is coming to Massachusetts! YAY! Gonna do some work in Boston area (possibly Woburn) Then on Friday he'll visit me and leave on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to hang out on Saturday night w/ the usual suspects ;D It'll be so great to see my daddy! ^^ and maybe, probably, he'll treat me to a dinner and I'll treat him to breakfast at UMass. Dono what we'll do because he already know what Amherst is like, maybe we can go into Boston. =] I'm so excited to see him and introduce him to everyone! =D

Soooo I'm still on the fence about Spring Break, which is in like 2 weeks?!!! So far I'm thinking about going to NY City. I have no idea how I'd get there, but hopefully I can find a ride or find a cheap way of transportation. Any suggestions?! Then on the 19th I'll probably leave (somehow) and go to Boston and visit with SarahP! =] OHHH and hopefully while I'm in Boston area, I can visit with more people from that area and see my cousin, Aria, and her Italian boyfriend and his brother! =D I would LOVE to see them!

So back at home, things aren't too great. My grandpa on my dad's side is getting worse =[ my grandma can't stop being stubborn, her daughter (my aunt) won't do shit to help out with grandpa, so my mom is stuck picking up the slack on her in-laws' side of the family while juggling a full-time job, not to mention her dad is going into knee surgery next week while my dad is on his business trip/here in MA. I feel so bad for her =[ ...wish I was there to help her out. =[ Oh, but on the good side of news, my dad's brother's step-daughter (my cousin) had her 3RD baby... a girl this time! =D can't wait to meet her! From the pictures, she looks so beautiful =] ... So I feel like I've come to that stage in everyone's life where birth and death are at a crossroads and there's great happiness and great sadness in my family.

And to end this post... I pray (if I prayed) that everyone live, laugh, and love because life is too short to miss out on anything. Hope everyone is healthy and doing well ... but if not healthy.. get healthy !!! =D (too many ppl are sick =[ i feel bad)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back at school!

I'm soo glad to be back w/ my new family! ^^
i missed everyone soo much! and now it's the 3rd day of spring semester =]. i like almost all my classes now! finally got into a japanese class i wanted ^^. i'm gonna see if i can get into a japanese language class tmrrw ::crossing my fingers:: =] anyways... i have to do homework so i'm not gonna blog on anything tonite. just wanted to record that i'm really happy right now =]. cuz of friends. personal situations. maybe not finances.. but that's an obstical we all have to suffer... and "i love school!" (never said that before college!) dinner was GREAT today =]
Happy Chinese New Year... year of the ox?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Where is Mraz?!

how come he isn't blogging?! =[ and he was in hawaii for the beginning of break.. now he's back.. so where is he?! lol wish i could have seen him perform the day i arrived home in CA.. cuz there was a concert that night w/ bushwalla =[ oh well.. BUT! JANUARY 31st MRAZ IS ON SNL!!!!!! SO excited! he's gonna play I'm Yours (duh) and Lucky with guest Colbie Caillat! yay! so excited and host Steve Martin! OMG i cant wait! i love steve martin on snl! haha if i could go to any SNL show.. i would want to go on January 31st!!!
haha ok now that's done w/...
lets see.. spent time at St. Lawrence.. that was fun =] Emi was great and her friends were great too! so nice and fun/funny!! they're like a family just like me and my floormates! i love it! so we went partying at the tic tock that night.. it was fun. i wasn't drunk enough (apparently). wish we could have danced more though! emi knew so many ppl and had to talk to all of them so we didnt get to dance too much =[ . so weird seeing one of my cousins (not to mention a cousin i NEVER see) get drunk and making out w/ guys. eh. weird. lol but we all had a great time ^^
then tonite when we came back to burlington, we went to a UVM hockey game.. and guess who they were playing against?... UMASS! so ironic! left early though cuz we weren't very good tonite. ><
i'm tired and tired of waiting for my friends to come back online so they can talk to me so i'm just gonna go to bed now XD got to get up early tmrrw (9) haha. hey, maybe if i can, i can get up at 8! woot woot! lol going to boston tmrrw! sweet! hope i get to see some of the city! dono wat's goin on tmrrw ::shrug:: oh well. we'll see. it'll b sad to leave aunt pati though =[ i like it here in vermont. i should visit more often =] and maybe go skiing/snowboarding! hehe ... oh but that takes money >< lots of money fooey =[

~*live. laugh. love.*~

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back in the Cold

So i arrived to Vermont yesterday and my aunt pati took me to breakfast. SO GOOD! we drove through Burlington and it sure is a great town! it's so cute and quaint. i cant believe how many schools there. then aunt pati took me snowshoeing w/ her friend behind her friend's house. maan what a hike! surprisingly i'm not sore though! =] then when we got home.. i ate a good dinner..leftovers..and went to sleep. man was i tired! i went to sleep at 7 ... woke up at 9 cuz of a call then at 10 cuz of a call... and went back to sleep till 12 30 then got ready for bed and went to sleep till 10 this morning. maan i've never slept this much! but i suure needed it. i slept in Taka's room cuz the cat's hair is ALL over her room. his room is sooo cool! there's ski stuff all over the room like autographed posters of skiers and fun pictures of him and his friends. it was really cold though. lol my aunt set up a sleeping bag and a heater in there for me. man i havent seen him in ages! he's kinda cute and very accomplished. (med school in england) cant wait to see him someday. or more like meet him. i've never talked to him before! >< i cant believe it! ... so i slept all night and almost all morning and went to get ready to go to st. lawrence.. but the cat kept bugging me and finally i let it sit on my lap and cuddle w/ me.... surprisingly i didnt react. cuz i'm VERY allergic to cats. claritin works! so i took a nice hot shower and got ready, packed, and checked e-mails. and after a yummy healthy breakfast we headed out to NY. took the ferry across lake champlain. then took about 3 hours to get to st lawrence.. i think. i fell asleep. haha. so i'm here at my cousin, emi's, dorm. she has 3 roommates and they're all real great. funny and loud and very fun ^^. love it here. we're gonna go to a bar tonite and partying, should b quite fun =]. emi is so sweet and hilarious. =] so lucky to have such a great family!!!


So I'm told
As the story goes
I unfold to a boy who's aware
Of a rocking chair
That put him fast asleep
So he dreams of amazing things
So unseen
Like a boy who's loved
By everyone including me
Watch him dream
Mayhem is beautiful

Birds fly and they die
And I with you wonder why
Wonder where
Truth be told
I don't care mayhem is beautiful
Mayhem is beautiful

City of dreams
And dreamers
How could all this occur?
Whats it for?
Nothing more
Than to up hoard the commands of the gods
Who are not there
But truly scare
The mass that we make of us
Why do I cuss?
Well it's because
I've grown up to speak (.. ?) the man
When you can
Mayhem is beautiful
Mayhem is beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
It's so beautiful
Mayhem is beautiful
So beautiful

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


the first inauguration i've ever watched on live tv! =D

so today i was running my errands and getting all these things done before i had to leave tonight, and i turn on my iPod on shuffle in the car and realized how many songs i forgot i had. it's so funny how the most random song comes on at the right moment. So Sick came on, Not Your Enemy by Jesse McCartney, I Will Remember You, The Trouble With Love Is, and 9 In The Afternoon. lots of love songs, although... more than half the songs out there are love songs. isnt there anything else to sing about? oh speaking of which, it was so funny how this one jason mraz song, Little You and I, is about his love for his cat. lol and in the live version i have he says how it'd b funny if it was some couple's song and they're like "our song is about a cat!" lol when i first heard that commentary i cracked up so much. maan i love the commentary on his live songs. that's why i cant wait to see one of his small live shows with bushwalla. that is my number one wish now, to see jason mraz and bushwalla live! above anything else. i mean if bushwalla alone can make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard in one show, imagine what i'd be like if jason was there?! and oh man if jason was the one who went up to me and sat on my lap the other night.. i would have been speechless and bright red! oh man.. ahhhh!!! ::squeals:: hahha
anyways.. i'm so excited to go VT!! my mom's cousin said she can take me snowboarding!!!! fuck yea! =D sha-a-weeet!! oh and my dad is gonna freak when he gets home! i cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees my eyes. hehe... they're blue ^^ hehe i like em. except it's kinda fuzzy on the edges but w/e i'll get use to it..... lol i love how no one reads my blog cuz then no one will know i have blue eyes when i go back =] surprise! .. i guess it's kinda weird then if i'm just talking to myself in the blog. -.^ oh well. this is like my journal. it's for me, myself, and i. all three of us.. haha.
k well gonna go pack now.. lots of shit to take home.. presents for everyone, new clothes, old clothes, shoes.. fuckn shoes -.- takes up too much space. oh and smart thing, while i'm on the topic of shoes... i LEFT my winter shoes (uggs) back at the dorm in Mass.... smart one stef.. smart one -.- fuck.. i dont wanna pack.. i wanna go to the beach!! today is the perfect day to be at the beach!!! it's sunny, clear, breezy, and mid to high 70s !! i LoVE this weather!! and i have to leave tonite -.- right when i start loving the warmth.
